Alina Voda
Alina Voda
Associate Professor University Grenoble Alpes, France
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على gipsa-lab.grenoble-inp.fr
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A method for the auto-calibration of PID controllers
AA Voda, ID Landau
Automatica 31 (1), 41-53, 1995
A flexible transmission system as a benchmark for robust digital control
ID Landau, D Rey, A Karimi, A Voda, A Franco
European Journal of Control 1 (2), 77-96, 1995
Optimal approximation, simulation and analog realization of the fundamental fractional order transfer function
A Djouambi, A Charef, AV Besançon
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2007
Recursive prediction error identification of fractional order models
A Djouambi, A Voda, A Charef
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (6), 2517-2524, 2012
Modelling and control of an assembly/disassembly mechatronics line served by mobile robot with manipulator
E Minca, A Filipescu, A Voda
Control Engineering Practice 31, 50-62, 2014
Mixed stepping/scanning mode control of stick-slip SEM-integrated nano-robotic systems
R Oubellil, A Voda, M Boudaoud, S Régnier
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 285, 258-268, 2019
Friction identification using the Karnopp model, applied to an electropneumatic actuator
L Ravanbod-Shirazi, A Besançon-Voda
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2003
Controller design for a closed-loop micromachined accelerometer
J Soen, A Voda, C Condemine
Control engineering practice 15 (1), 57-68, 2007
Describing function approximation of a two-relay system configuration with application to Coulomb friction identification
A Besançon-Voda, P Blaha
Control Engineering Practice 10 (6), 655-668, 2002
Analysis of a two-relay system configuration with application to Coulomb friction identification
A Besançon-Voda, G Besançon
Automatica 35 (8), 1391-1399, 1999
Robust digital control of flexible transmissions using the combined pole placement/sensitivity function shaping method
ID Landau, A Karimi, A Voda, D Ray
Iterative auto-calibration of digital controllers: Methodology and applications
A Besançon-Voda
Control Engineering Practice 6 (3), 345-358, 1998
H∞ Loop shaping control for PLL-based mechanical resonance tracking in NEMS resonant mass sensors
C Kharrat, E Colinet, A Voda
SENSORS, 2008 IEEE, 1135-1138, 2008
Task planning algorithm in hybrid assembly/disassembly process
A Radaschin, A Voda, E Minca, A Filipescu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (6), 267-272, 2012
The autocalibration of PI controllers based on two frequency measurements
A Voda, ID Landau
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 9 (5), 395-421, 1995
Modelling the characteristics of a photodetector in a DVD player
B Hnilička, A Voda, HJ Schröder
Sensors and actuators A: Physical 120 (2), 494-506, 2005
Régulateurs PID analogiques et numériques
A Besancon-Voda, S Gentil
Techniques de l'ingénieur. Informatique industrielle 2 (R7416), R7416. 1 …, 1999
A note on state and parameter estimation in a Van der Pol oscillator
G Besançon, A Voda, G Jouffroy
Automatica 46 (10), 1735-1738, 2010
Robust digital control approach for high performance tunneling current measurement system
I Ahmad, A Voda, G Besançon, G Buche
Control Engineering Practice 20 (7), 643-653, 2012
Another version of the relay feedback experiment
A Besançon-Voda, H Roux-Buisson
Journal of Process Control 7 (4), 303-308, 1997
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مقالات 1–20