Michael Klemm
Michael Klemm
Advanced Micro Devices
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
NWChem: Past, present, and future
E Apra, EJ Bylaska, WA De Jong, N Govind, K Kowalski, TP Straatsma, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 152 (18), 2020
The Intel® many integrated core architecture
A Duran, M Klemm
2012 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation …, 2012
Openmp programming on intel r xeon phi tm coprocessors: An early performance comparison
T Cramer, D Schmidl, M Klemm, D an Mey
Proc. Many Core Appl. Res. Community (MARC) Symp, 38-44, 2012
From gpgpu to many-core: Nvidia fermi and intel many integrated core architecture
A Heinecke, M Klemm, HJ Bungartz
Computing in Science & Engineering 14 (2), 78-83, 2012
The ongoing evolution of openmp
BR de Supinski, TRW Scogland, A Duran, M Klemm, SM Bellido, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (11), 2004-2019, 2018
JaMP: an implementation of OpenMP for a Java DSM
M Klemm, M Bezold, R Veldema, M Philippsen
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19 (18), 2333-2352, 2007
Jcudamp: Openmp/java on cuda
G Dotzler, R Veldema, M Klemm
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Multicore Software …, 2010
Extending OpenMP* with vector constructs for modern multicore SIMD architectures
M Klemm, A Duran, X Tian, H Saito, D Caballero, X Martorell
OpenMP in a Heterogeneous World: 8th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP …, 2012
Efficient implementation of many-body quantum chemical methods on the Intel® Xeon Phi coprocessor
E Apra, M Klemm, K Kowalski
SC'14: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2014
Extending a Highly Parallel Data Mining Algorithm to the Intel ® Many Integrated Core Architecture
A Heinecke, M Klemm, D Pflüger, A Bode, HJ Bungartz
Euro-Par 2011: Parallel Processing Workshops: CCPI, CGWS, HeteroPar, HiBB …, 2012
Optimizing HPC applications with intel cluster tools
A Supalov, A Semin, M Klemm, C Dahnken
Springer Nature, 2014
A proposal for openmp for java
M Klemm, R Veldema, M Bezold, M Philippsen
OpenMP Shared Memory Parallel Programming: International Workshops, IWOMP …, 2008
Towards an error model for OpenMP
M Wong, M Klemm, A Duran, T Mattson, G Haab, BR de Supinski, ...
International Workshop on OpenMP, 70-82, 2010
Streiten „wie im wahren Leben “?‚Der heiße Stuhl’und ‚Einspruch!’im Kontext der Personalisierung und Emotionalisierung des Fernsehprogramms
M Klemm
Biere, Bernd Ulrich/Hoberg, Rudolf (Hg.): Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit …, 1996
OpenMP Application Programming Interface Specification Version 5.0
M Klemm, BR de Supinski
A proposal for task-generating loops in OpenMP
X Teruel, M Klemm, K Li, X Martorell, SL Olivier, C Terboven
OpenMP in the Era of Low Power Devices and Accelerators: 9th International …, 2013
High Performance Parallel Runtimes: Design and Implementation
M Klemm, J Cownie
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2021
Coupled cluster studies of ionization potentials and electron affinities of single-walled carbon nanotubes
B Peng, N Govind, E Aprà, M Klemm, JR Hammond, K Kowalski
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121 (6), 1328-1335, 2017
A proposal for user-defined reductions in openmp
A Duran, R Ferrer, M Klemm, BR de Supinski, E Ayguadé
Beyond Loop Level Parallelism in OpenMP: Accelerators, Tasking and More: 6th …, 2010
Portable simd performance with openmp* 4. x compiler directives
F Wende, M Noack, T Steinke, M Klemm, CJ Newburn, G Zitzlsberger
Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing: 22nd International Conference on …, 2016
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مقالات 1–20