Lúcia Garrido
Lúcia Garrido
Department of Psychology, City, University of London
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Transcranial magnetic stimulation disrupts the perception and embodiment of facial expressions
D Pitcher, L Garrido, V Walsh, BC Duchaine
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (36), 8929-8933, 2008
Fusiform gyrus face selectivity relates to individual differences in facial recognition ability
N Furl, L Garrido, RJ Dolan, J Driver, B Duchaine
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (7), 1723-1740, 2011
Voxel-based morphometry reveals reduced grey matter volume in the temporal cortex of developmental prosopagnosics
L Garrido, N Furl, B Draganski, N Weiskopf, J Stevens, GCY Tan, J Driver, ...
Brain 132 (12), 3443-3455, 2009
Deep and superficial amygdala nuclei projections revealed in vivo by probabilistic tractography
DR Bach, TE Behrens, L Garrido, N Weiskopf, RJ Dolan
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (2), 618-623, 2011
Facial expression recognition as a candidate marker for autism spectrum disorder: how frequent and severe are deficits?
E Loth, L Garrido, J Ahmad, E Watson, A Duff, B Duchaine
Molecular Autism 9 (1), 7, 2018
Developmental phonagnosia: a selective deficit of vocal identity recognition
L Garrido, F Eisner, C McGettigan, L Stewart, D Sauter, JR Hanley, ...
Neuropsychologia 47 (1), 123-131, 2009
Face detection in normal and prosopagnosic individuals
L Garrido, B Duchaine, K Nakayama
Journal of Neuropsychology 2 (1), 119-140, 2008
Social anhedonia is associated with neural abnormalities during face emotion processing
LT Germine, L Garrido, L Bruce, C Hooker
Neuroimage 58 (3), 935-945, 2011
Dissociation between face perception and face memory in adults, but not children, with developmental prosopagnosia
KA Dalrymple, L Garrido, B Duchaine
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 10, 10-20, 2014
Superior facial expression, but not identity recognition, in mirror-touch synesthesia
MJ Banissy, L Garrido, F Kusnir, B Duchaine, V Walsh, J Ward
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (5), 1820-1824, 2011
How many voices did you hear? Natural variability disrupts identity perception from unfamiliar voices
N Lavan, LFK Burston, L Garrido
British Journal of Psychology, 2018
Local but not long-range microstructural differences of the ventral temporal cortex in developmental prosopagnosia
S Song, L Garrido, Z Nagy, S Mohammadi, A Steel, J Driver, RJ Dolan, ...
Neuropsychologia 78, 195-206, 2015
FFA and OFA encode distinct types of face identity information
M Tsantani, N Kriegeskorte, K Storrs, AL Williams, C McGettigan, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 41 (9), 1952-1969, 2021
Effective connectivity from early visual cortex to posterior occipitotemporal face areas supports face selectivity and predicts developmental prosopagnosia
M Lohse, L Garrido, J Driver, RJ Dolan, BC Duchaine, N Furl
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (13), 3821-3828, 2016
Normal social cognition in developmental prosopagnosia
B Duchaine, H Murray, M Turner, S White, L Garrido
Cognitive neuropsychology 26 (7), 620-634, 2009
The Glasgow Voice Memory Test: Assessing the ability to memorize and recognize unfamiliar voices
V Aglieri, R Watson, C Pernet, M Latinus, L Garrido, P Belin
Behavior research methods 49 (1), 97-110, 2017
Faces and voices in the brain: a modality-general person-identity representation in superior temporal sulcus
M Tsantani, N Kriegeskorte, C McGettigan, L Garrido
NeuroImage 201, 116004, 2019
Similar representations of emotions across faces and voices
L Kuhn, T Wydell, N Lavan, C McGettigan, L Garrido
Emotion 17 (6), 912-937, 2017
The consequences of subtracting the mean pattern in fMRI multivariate correlation analyses
L Garrido, M Vaziri-Pashkam, K Nakayama, J Wilmer
Frontiers Brain Imaging Methods 7, 174, 2013
Association vs dissociation and setting appropriate criteria for object agnosia
L Garrido, B Duchaine, J DeGutis
Cognitive Neuropsychology 35 (1-2), 55-58, 2018
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مقالات 1–20