Moritz Breit
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
General intelligence and specific cognitive abilities in adolescence: Tests of age differentiation, ability differentiation, and their interaction in two large samples.
M Breit, M Brunner, F Preckel
Developmental Psychology, 2020
Age and ability differentiation in children: A review and empirical investigation.
M Breit, M Brunner, F Preckel
Developmental Psychology 57 (3), 325, 2021
Differentiation hypotheses of intelligence: A systematic review of the empirical evidence and an agenda for future research.
M Breit, M Brunner, D Molenaar, F Preckel
Psychological Bulletin 148 (7-8), 518, 2022
Talent development in natural science in elementary school: A juxtaposition of research and practice
E Mack, M Breit, M Krischler, J Gnas, F Preckel
Teaching and Teacher Education 104, 103366, 2021
Temporal stability of specific ability scores and intelligence profiles in high ability students
M Breit, V Scherrer, F Preckel
Intelligence 86, 101538, 2021
The stability of cognitive abilities: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal studies.
M Breit, V Scherrer, EM Tucker-Drob, F Preckel
Psychological Bulletin 150 (4), 399, 2024
* Relationship Between Creativity and Intelligence: A Multimethod Investigation of Alternative Theoretical Assumptions in Two Samples of Secondary School Students
M Breit, J Preuß, V Scherrer, T Moors, F Preckel
Gifted Child Quarterly 67 (2), 95-109, 2023
Incremental validity of specific cognitive abilities beyond general intelligence for the explanation of students’ school achievement
M Breit, F Preckel
Gifted and Talented International 35 (2), 73-85, 2020
Students’ intelligence test results after six and sixteen months of irregular schooling due to the COVID-19 pandemic
M Breit, V Scherrer, J Blickle, F Preckel
PLoS One 18 (3), e0281779, 2023
Why the use of segmented regression analysis to explore change in relations between variables is problematic: A simulation study.
M Breit, J Preuß, V Scherrer, F Preckel
Psychological Methods, 2023
A research-practice cooperation to support elementary school teachers’ diagnostic competencies based on a working theory of talent development in STEM
M Krischler, E Mack, J Gnas, M Breit, J Matthes, F Preckel
Gifted and Talented International 36 (1-2), 69-81, 2021
Sozio-emotionales Erleben von Schule bei Grundschülerinnen und-schülern: Zusammenhänge mit intellektueller Begabung und Schulleistung
J Gnas, E Mack, J Matthes, M Breit, F Preckel
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 25 (5), 1095-1123, 2022
Temporal Stability and Change in Manifest Intelligence Scores: Four Complementary Analytic Approaches
M Breit, V Scherrer, F Preckel
MethodsX, 101613, 2022
Konzeption des LemaS-Projekts im Rahmen der bund-Länder-initiative
F Preckel, M Breit, E Mack, M Krischler
Beltz, Germany, 2020
Spearman's Law of Diminishing Returns and its Implications for Theories of General Intelligence and Intelligence Testing
M Breit, M Brunner, F Preckel
General and specific mental abilities, 340-358, 2019
Academic profile development: An investigation of differentiation processes based on students’ level of achievement and grade level.
M Breit, M Brunner, A Fischbach, R Wollschläger, U Keller, S Ugen, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2024
Crystallized Intelligence, Fluid Intelligence, and Need for Cognition: Their Longitudinal Relations in Adolescence
V Scherrer, M Breit, F Preckel
Journal of Intelligence 12 (11), 104, 2024
How useful are specific cognitive ability scores? An investigation of their stability and incremental validity beyond general intelligence
M Breit, V Scherrer, F Preckel
Intelligence 103, 101816, 2024
Turn up the Heat! A Tutorial for the MAGMA R-package
J Urban, MD Feuchter, V Scherrer, M Breit, F Preckel
PsyArXiv. April 12, 2023
Introduction and Demonstration of the Many-Group Matching (MAGMA)-Algorithm: Matching Solutions for Two or More Groups
MD Feuchter, J Urban, V Scherrer, M Breit, F Preckel
OSF, 2022
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مقالات 1–20