Ірина Лов'янова / Ирина Ловьянова / Iryna Lovianova / Iryna Lovyanova / Лов'янова І.В.
Ірина Лов'янова / Ирина Ловьянова / Iryna Lovianova / Iryna Lovyanova / Лов'янова І.В.
Криворізький державний педагогічний університет
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على kdpu.edu.ua
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Technologies of distance learning for programming basics on the principles of integrated development of key competences
SV Shokaliuk, YY Bohunenko, IV Lovianova, MP Shyshkina
CTE Workshop Proceedings 7, 548-562, 2020
Training of Mathematical Disciplines Teachers for Higher Educational Institutions as a Contemporary Problem
O Vlasenko, K., Lovianova, I., Sitak, I., Chumak, O., Kondratyeva
Universal Journal of Educational Research, pp. 1892 – 1900, 2019
Personal e-learning environment of a mathematics teacher
K Vlasenko, O Chumak, V Achkan, I Lovianova, O Kondratyeva
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (8), 3527-3535, 2020
Methodical requirements for training materials of on-line courses on the platform “Higher school mathematics teacher”
K Vlasenko, O Chumak, I Lovianova, D Kovalenko, N Volkova
E3S Web of Conferences 166, 10011, 2020
Usability analysis of on-line educational courses on the platform “Higher school mathematics teacher”
K Vlasenko, S Volkov, I Sitak, I Lovianova, D Bobyliev
E3S Web of Conferences 166, 10012, 2020
Development of an Online-Course Syllabus" Operations Research Oriented to Cloud Computing in the CoCalc System".
K Vlasenko, O Chumak, D Bobyliev, I Lovianova, I Sitak
ICTERI, 278-291, 2020
UI/UX design of educational on-line courses
KV Vlasenko, IV Lovianova, SV Volkov, IV Sitak, OO Chumak, ...
CTE Workshop Proceedings 9, 184-199, 2022
Cloud calculations within the optional course Optimization Problems for 10th-11th graders
IV Lovianova, DY Bobyliev, AD Uchitel
Educational Dimension 1, 95-110, 2019
Problem-based approach to develop creative thinking in students majoring in mathematics at teacher training universities
K Vlasenko, V Achkan, O Chumak, I Lovianova, T Armash
Horizon Research Publishing (HRPUB), 2020
Developing informatics competencies of computer sciences students while teaching differential equations.
K Vlasenko, O Chumak, I Sitak, O Chashechnikova, I Lovianova
Revista ESPACIOS, 2019
Minimalism in designing user interface of the online platform “Higher school mathematics teacher”
K Vlasenko, D Kovalenko, S Volkov, O Chumak, I Lovianova
Ceur workshop proceedings, 1028-1043, 2020
Професійно спрямоване навчання математики у профільній школі: теоретичний аспект [монографія]
ІВ Лов'янова
Development of the online course for training master students majoring in mathematics
KV Vlasenko, IV Lovianova, OG Rovenska, TS Armash, VV Achkan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1946 (1), 012001, 2021
A Comprehensive Program of activities to develop sustainable core skills in novice scientists
KV Vlasenko, OG Rovenska, OO Chumak, IV Lovianova, VV Achkan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1946 (1), 012017, 2021
Формування інтелектуальних умінь старшокласників у процесі вивчення предметів природничого циклу
ІВ Лов’янова
дисертація ... канд. пед. наук: спец. 13.00. 09, 2006
Methodical recommendations for the development of online course structure and content
KV Vlasenko, IV Sitak, DA Kovalenko, SV Volkov, IV Lovianova, ...
SciTePress, 2022
The arrangement of on-line training of master students, majoring in Mathematics for internship in technical universities
KV Vlasenko, IV Lovianova, OO Chumak, IV Sitak, VV Achkan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1840 (1), 012007, 2021
The criteria of usability design for educational online courses
KV Vlasenko, SV Volkov, IV Lovianova, IV Sitak, OO Chumak, ...
SciTePress, 2022
A competency-based approach to the systematization of mathematical problems in a specialized school
KV Vlasenko, IV Lovianova, TS Armash, IV Sitak, DA Kovalenko
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1946 (1), 012003, 2021
Model of the On-Line Course for Training Master Students Majoring in Mathematics for Teaching at University
I Lovianova, K Vlasenko, I Sitak, I Akulenko, O Kondratyeva
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (9), 3883-3894, 2020
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20