Jean-Francois ARRIGHI
Jean-Francois ARRIGHI
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The Medicago truncatula Lysine Motif-Receptor-Like Kinase Gene Family Includes NFP and New Nodule-Expressed Genes
JF Arrighi, A Barre, B Ben Amor, A Bersoult, LC Soriano, R Mirabella, ...
Plant physiology 142 (1), 265-279, 2006
Dissection of local and systemic transcriptional responses to phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis
MC Thibaud, JF Arrighi, V Bayle, S Chiarenza, A Creff, R Bustos, ...
The Plant Journal 64 (5), 775-789, 2010
Arabidopsis thaliana High-Affinity Phosphate Transporters Exhibit Multiple Levels of Posttranslational Regulation
V Bayle, JF Arrighi, A Creff, C Nespoulous, J Vialaret, M Rossignol, ...
The Plant Cell 23 (4), 1523-1535, 2011
Reducing the genetic redundancy of Arabidopsis PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER1 transporters to study phosphate uptake and signaling
A Ayadi, P David, JF Arrighi, S Chiarenza, MC Thibaud, L Nussaume, ...
Plant Physiology 167 (4), 1511-1526, 2015
Rhizobium–legume symbiosis in the absence of Nod factors: two possible scenarios with or without the T3SS
S Okazaki, P Tittabutr, A Teulet, J Thouin, J Fardoux, C Chaintreuil, ...
The ISME journal 10 (1), 64-74, 2016
The RPG gene of Medicago truncatula controls Rhizobium-directed polar growth during infection
JF Arrighi, O Godfroy, F De Billy, O Saurat, A Jauneau, C Gough
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (28), 9817-9822, 2008
Convergent evolution of endosymbiont differentiation in dalbergioid and inverted repeat-lacking clade legumes mediated by nodule-specific cysteine-rich peptides
P Czernic, D Gully, F Cartieaux, L Moulin, I Guefrachi, D Patrel, O Pierre, ...
Plant Physiology 169 (2), 1254-1265, 2015
A novel role for the root cap in phosphate uptake and homeostasis
S Kanno, JF Arrighi, S Chiarenza, V Bayle, R Berthome, B Peret, H Javot, ...
Elife 5, e14577, 2016
The rhizobial type III effector ErnA confers the ability to form nodules in legumes
A Teulet, N Busset, J Fardoux, D Gully, C Chaintreuil, F Cartieaux, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (43), 21758-21768, 2019
Genetics of nodulation in Aeschynomene evenia uncovers mechanisms of the rhizobium–legume symbiosis
J Quilbé, L Lamy, L Brottier, P Leleux, J Fardoux, R Rivallan, T Benichou, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 829, 2021
Nod Factor-Independent Nodulation in Aeschynomene evenia Required the Common Plant-Microbe Symbiotic Toolkit
S Fabre, D Gully, A Poitout, D Patrel, JF Arrighi, E Giraud, P Czernic, ...
Plant Physiology 169 (4), 2654-2664, 2015
Evolution of symbiosis in the legume genus Aeschynomene
C Chaintreuil, JF Arrighi, E Giraud, L Miché, L Moulin, B Dreyfus, ...
New Phytologist 200 (4), 1247-1259, 2013
Aeschynomene evenia, a Model Plant for Studying the Molecular Genetics of the Nod-Independent Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis
JF Arrighi, F Cartieaux, SC Brown, M Rodier-Goud, M Boursot, J Fardoux, ...
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 25 (7), 851-861, 2012
The role of rhizobial (NifV) and plant (FEN1) homocitrate synthases in Aeschynomene/photosynthetic Bradyrhizobium symbiosis
N Nouwen, JF Arrighi, F Cartieaux, C Chaintreuil, D Gully, C Klopp, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 448, 2017
Transcriptome Profiles of Nod Factor-independent Symbiosis in the Tropical Legume Aeschynomene evenia
D Gully, P Czernic, S Cruveiller, F Mahé, C Longin, D Vallenet, P François, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 10934, 2018
Molecular mechanisms of intercellular rhizobial infection: novel findings of an ancient process
J Quilbé, J Montiel, JF Arrighi, J Stougaard
Frontiers in plant science 13, 922982, 2022
A gene-based map of the Nod factor-independent Aeschynomene evenia sheds new light on the evolution of nodulation and legume genomes
C Chaintreuil, R Rivallan, DJ Bertioli, C Klopp, J Gouzy, B Courtois, ...
DNA Research 23 (4), 365-376, 2016
A phylogenetic framework of the legume genus Aeschynomene for comparative genetic analysis of the Nod-dependent and Nod-independent symbioses
L Brottier, C Chaintreuil, P Simion, C Scornavacca, R Rivallan, P Mournet, ...
BMC Plant Biology 18, 1-15, 2018
Convergent evolution of endosymbiont differentiation in Dalbergioid and IRLC legumes mediated by nodule-specific cysteine-rich peptides
P Czernic, D Gully, F Cartieaux, L Moulin, I Guefrachi, D Patrel, O Pierre, ...
Plant Physiol 169, 1254-1265, 2015
Naturally occurring variations in the Nod-independent model legume Aeschynomene evenia and relatives: a resource for nodulation genetics
AJF Chaintreuil C, Perrier X, Martin G, Fardoux J, Lewis GP, Brottier L ...
BMC Plant Biology 18 (1), 54, 2018
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مقالات 1–20