Akshay Gupte
Akshay Gupte
School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Solving mixed integer bilinear problems using MILP formulations
A Gupte, S Ahmed, MS Cheon, S Dey
SIAM Journal on Optimization 23 (2), 721-744, 2013
Relaxations and discretizations for the pooling problem
A Gupte, S Ahmed, SS Dey, MS Cheon
Journal of Global Optimization 67 (3), 631--669, 2017
Analysis of MILP techniques for the pooling problem
SS Dey, A Gupte
Operations Research 63 (2), 412 - 427, 2015
A mean-risk mixed integer nonlinear program for transportation network protection
J Lu, A Gupte, Y Huang
European Journal of Operational Research 265 (1), 277-289, 2018
Branch-and-bound for biobjective mixed-integer linear programming
N Adelgren, A Gupte
INFORMS Journal on Computing 34 (2), 909 - 933, 2022
Mixed integer bilinear programming with applications to the pooling problem
A Gupte
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012
Convex hulls of superincreasing knapsacks and lexicographic orderings
A Gupte
Discrete Applied Mathematics 201, 150--163, 2016
Extended formulations for convex hulls of some bilinear functions
A Gupte, T Kalinowski, F Rigterink, H Waterer
Discrete Optimization 36, 100569, 2020
Error bounds for monomial convexification in polynomial optimization
W Adams, A Gupte, Y Xu
Mathematical Programming 175, 355 - 393, 2019
Efficient storage of Pareto points in biobjective mixed integer programming
N Adelgren, P Belotti, A Gupte
INFORMS Journal on Computing 30 (2), 324--338, 2018
On Dantzig figures from graded lexicographic orders
A Gupte, S Poznanović
Discrete Mathematics 341 (6), 1534-1554, 2018
Analysing the complexity of facility location problems with capacities, revenues, and closest assignments
C Büsing, T Gersing, S Wrede
INOC, 1-6, 2022
Polyhedral Analysis of Symmetric Multilinear Polynomials over Box Constraints
Y Xu, W Adams, A Gupte
Discrete Applied Mathematics (minor revisions), arXiv:2012.06394, 2020
Solving the Home Service Assignment, Routing, and Appointment Scheduling (H-SARA) Problem with Uncertainties
SN Johnn, Y Zhu, A Miniguano-Trujillo, A Gupte
21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling …, 2021
On strong duality, theorems of the alternative, and projections in conic optimization
T Ajayi, A Gupte, A Khademi, A Schaefer
https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.06550, 2020
Model calibration of locally nonlinear dynamical systems: Extended constitutive relation error with multi-harmonic coefficients
X Hu, E Chodora, S Prabhu, A Gupte, S Atamturktur
Engineering Computations 36 (2), 466-490, 2019
Spatial branch-and-bound for nonconvex separable piecewise linear optimization
T Hübner, A Gupte, S Rebennack
Preprint, available online at https://optimization-online. org, 2024
Disjoint Bilinear Programs, Facial Disjunctions and the Reformulation-Linearization Technique
L Galli, A Gupte, AN Letchford
working paper, 2022
Two-term disjunctions from the lexicographic order in MIP
A Gupte
14th Mixed Integer Programming Workshop MIP 2017, Montreal, 2017
A Risk-averse Two-stage Stochastic Programming Model For Transportation Network Protection Problems
J Lu, Y Huang, A Gupte
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, 1--18, 2015
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مقالات 1–20