Mélanie M. Couture
Mélanie M. Couture
Professeure titulaire, Programme d'ergothérapie, Université de Sherbrooke
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Sensori-motor and daily living skills of preschool children with autism spectrum disorders
E Jasmin, M Couture, P McKinley, G Reid, E Fombonne, E Gisel
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 39, 231-241, 2009
Examination of bidirectional relationships between parent stress and two types of problem behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder
TA Zaidman-Zait A, Mirenda P, Duku E, Szatmari P, Georgiades S, Volden J ...
J Autism Dev Disord. 44 (8), 1908-17, 2014
Investigating phenotypic heterogeneity in children with autism spectrum disorder: a factor mixture modeling approach.
TA Georgiades S, Szatmari P, Boyle M, Hanna S, Duku E, Zwaigenbaum L, Bryson ...
J Child Psychol Psychiatry 54 (2), 206-15, 2013
Validating the Repetitive Behavior Scale-revised in young children with autism spectrum disorder.
ZL Mirenda P, Smith IM, Vaillancourt T, Georgiades S, Duku E, Szatmari P ...
J Autism Dev Disord. 40 (12), 1521-30, 2010
Diversity of practices in telerehabilitation for children with disabilities and effective intervention characteristics: results from a systematic review
C Camden, G Pratte, F Fallon, M Couture, J Berbari, M Tousignant
Disability and rehabilitation 42 (24), 3424-3436, 2020
Parent training interventions for toddlers with autism spectrum disorder
AJ Beaudoin, G Sébire, M Couture
Autism research and treatment 2014 (1), 839890, 2014
Specific needs of families of young adults with profound intellectual disability during and after transition to adulthood: What are we missing?
C Gauthier-Boudreault, F Gallagher, M Couture
Research in developmental disabilities 66, 16-26, 2017
Factor analysis of the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form with parents of young children with autism spectrum disorders.
TA Zaidman-Zait A, Mirenda P, Zumbo BD, Georgiades S, Szatmari P, Bryson S ...
Autism Res. 4 (5), 336-46, 2011
Phenotypic overlap between core diagnostic features and emotional/behavioral problems in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder
TA Georgiades S, Szatmari P, Duku E, Zwaigenbaum L, Bryson S, Roberts W ...
J Autism Dev Disord. 41 (10), 1321-9, 2011
Children with autism and attention difficulties: A pilot study of the association between sensory, motor, and adaptive behaviors
C Mattard-Labrecque, LB Amor, MM Couture
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 22 (2), 139, 2013
Self-regulation workshop and Occupational Performance Coaching with teachers: A pilot study: Étude pilote sur un atelier d’autogestion et des séances d’encadrement du rendement …
C Hui, L Snider, M Couture
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 83 (2), 115-125, 2016
Influence of reporting effects on the association between maternal depression and child autism spectrum disorder behaviors.
WC Bennett T, Boyle M, Georgiades K, Georgiades S, Thompson A, Duku E ...
J Child Psychol Psychiatry 53 (1), 89-96, 2012
How to facilitate transition to adulthood? Innovative solutions from parents of young adults with profound intellectual disability
C Gauthier‐Boudreault, M Couture, F Gallagher
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 31, 215-223, 2018
Associations between a functional independence measure (WeeFIM) and the pediatric quality of life inventory (PedsQL4. 0) in young children with physical disabilities
L Grilli, DE Feldman, A Majnemer, M Couture, L Azoulay, B Swaine
Quality of Life Research 15, 1023-1031, 2006
Longitudinal study of sensory features in children with autism spectrum disorder
L Perez Repetto, E Jasmin, E Fombonne, E Gisel, M Couture
Autism Research and Treatment 2017 (1), 1934701, 2017
Parent-mediated intervention tends to improve parent-child engagement, and behavioral outcomes of toddlers with ASD-positive screening: A randomized crossover trial
AJ Beaudoin, G Sébire, M Couture
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 66, 101416, 2019
When and by whom is concern first expressed for children with neuromotor problems?
DE Feldman, M Couture, L Grilli, MN Simard, L Azoulay, J Gosselin
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 159 (9), 882-886, 2005
Scoping review of social participation of individuals with profound intellectual disability in adulthood: What can I do once I finish school?
C Gauthier-Boudreault, AJ Beaudoin, F Gallagher, M Couture
Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 44 (2), 248-260, 2019
Interobserver reliability of the Amiel-Tison neurological assessment at term
G Deschênes, J Gosselin, M Couture, C Lachance
Pediatric neurology 30 (3), 190-194, 2004
Comparison of two tools to assess sensory features in children with autism spectrum disorder
C Dugas, MN Simard, E Fombonne, M Couture
The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 72 (1), 7201195010p1-7201195010p9, 2018
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مقالات 1–20