Russell Cropanzano
Russell Cropanzano
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Social exchange theory: An interdisciplinary review
R Cropanzano, MS Mitchell
Journal of management 31 (6), 874-900, 2005
Affective events theory
HM Weiss, R Cropanzano
Research in organizational behavior 18 (1), 1-74, 1996
Organizational justice and human resource management
RG Folger, R Folger, R Cropanzano
Sage, 1998
Emotional exhaustion as a predictor of job performance and voluntary turnover.
TA Wright, R Cropanzano
Journal of applied psychology 83 (3), 486, 1998
The management of organizational justice
R Cropanzano, DE Bowen, SW Gilliland
Academy of management perspectives 21 (4), 34-48, 2007
The relationship of emotional exhaustion to work attitudes, job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors.
R Cropanzano, DE Rupp, ZS Byrne
Journal of Applied psychology 88 (1), 160, 2003
Moral virtues, fairness heuristics, social entities, and other denizens of organizational justice
R Cropanzano, ZS Byrne, DR Bobocel, DE Rupp
Journal of vocational behavior 58 (2), 164-209, 2001
Psychological well-being and job satisfaction as predictors of job performance.
TA Wright, R Cropanzano
Journal of occupational health psychology 5 (1), 84, 2000
The conservation of resources model applied to work–family conflict and strain
AA Grandey, R Cropanzano
Journal of vocational behavior 54 (2), 350-370, 1999
Progress in organizational justice: Tunneling through the maze
R Cropanzano, J Greenberg
International review of industrial and organizational psychology 12, 317-372, 1997
Social exchange theory: A critical review with theoretical remedies
R Cropanzano, EL Anthony, SR Daniels, AV Hall
Academy of management annals 11 (1), 479-516, 2017
The relationship of organizational politics and support to work behaviors, attitudes, and stress
R Cropanzano, JC Howes, AA Grandey, P Toth
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 1997
Perceived fairness of employee drug testing as a predictor of employee attitudes and job performance.
MA Konovsky, R Cropanzano
Journal of applied psychology 76 (5), 698, 1991
Using social exchange theory to distinguish procedural from interactional justice
R Cropanzano, CA Prehar, PY Chen
Group & organization management 27 (3), 324-351, 2002
Fairness theory: Justice as accountability
R Folger, R Cropanzano
Advances in organizational justice 1 (1-55), 12, 2001
Organizational politics and organizational support as predictors of work attitudes, job performance, and organizational citizenship behavior
ML Randall, R Cropanzano, CA Bormann, A Birjulin
Journal of organizational behavior: The international journal of industrial …, 1999
The mediating effects of social exchange relationships in predicting workplace outcomes from multifoci organizational justice
DE Rupp, R Cropanzano
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 89 (1), 925-946, 2002
The moderating role of employee positive well being on the relation between job satisfaction and job performance.
TA Wright, R Cropanzano, DG Bonett
Journal of occupational health psychology 12 (2), 93, 2007
Effects of justice conditions on discrete emotions.
HM Weiss, K Suckow, R Cropanzano
Journal of applied Psychology 84 (5), 786, 1999
When a" happy" worker is really a" productive" worker: A review and further refinement of the happy-productive worker thesis.
R Cropanzano, TA Wright
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 53 (3), 182, 2001
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مقالات 1–20