G Ren
G Ren
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Characterisation of copper oxide nanoparticles for antimicrobial applications
G Ren, D Hu, EWC Cheng, MA Vargas-Reus, P Reip, RP Allaker
International journal of antimicrobial agents 33 (6), 587-590, 2009
A review of nanoparticle functionality and toxicity on the central nervous system
Z Yang, ZW Liu, RP Allaker, P Reip, J Oxford, Z Ahmad, G Ren
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7 (suppl_4), S411-S422, 2010
Antimicrobial activity of nanoparticulate metal oxides against peri-implantitis pathogens
MA Vargas-Reus, K Memarzadeh, J Huang, GG Ren, RP Allaker
International journal of antimicrobial agents 40 (2), 135-139, 2012
Oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by nanosized titanium dioxide in PC12 cells
S Liu, L Xu, T Zhang, G Ren, Z Yang
Toxicology 267 (1-3), 172-177, 2010
Synergistic antibacterial effects of metallic nanoparticle combinations
C Bankier, RK Matharu, YK Cheong, GG Ren, E Cloutman-Green, L Ciric
Scientific reports 9 (1), 16074, 2019
Influences of nanoparticle zinc oxide on acutely isolated rat hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons
J Zhao, L Xu, T Zhang, G Ren, Z Yang
Neurotoxicology 30 (2), 220-230, 2009
Nano-zinc oxide damages spatial cognition capability via over-enhanced long-term potentiation in hippocampus of Wistar rats
D Han, Y Tian, T Zhang, G Ren, Z Yang
International journal of nanomedicine, 1453-1461, 2011
Effects of nanoparticle zinc oxide on spatial cognition and synaptic plasticity in mice with depressive-like behaviors
Y Xie, Y Wang, T Zhang, G Ren, Z Yang
Journal of biomedical science 19, 1-11, 2012
Potential impact of nanotechnology on the control of infectious diseases
RP Allaker, G Ren
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 102 (1), 1-2, 2008
Action potential changes associated with the inhibitory effects on voltage-gated sodium current of hippocampal CA1 neurons by silver nanoparticles
Z Liu, G Ren, T Zhang, Z Yang
toxicology 264 (3), 179-184, 2009
The possible mechanism of silver nanoparticle impact on hippocampal synaptic plasticity and spatial cognition in rats
Y Liu, W Guan, G Ren, Z Yang
Toxicology letters 209 (3), 227-231, 2012
Effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of 3D-printed PLA tensile specimens
M Grasso, L Azzouz, P Ruiz-Hincapie, M Zarrelli, G Ren
Rapid Prototyping Journal 24 (8), 1337-1346, 2018
A comparison of methods to assess the antimicrobial activity of nanoparticle combinations on bacterial cells
C Bankier, Y Cheong, S Mahalingam, M Edirisinghe, G Ren, ...
PLoS One 13 (2), e0192093, 2018
Mechanical properties of 3-D printed truss-like lattice biopolymer non-stochastic structures for sandwich panels with natural fibre composite skins
L Azzouz, Y Chen, M Zarrelli, JM Pearce, L Mitchell, G Ren, M Grasso
Composite Structures 213, 220-230, 2019
In vitro toxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in C6 rat glioma cells
Y Han, J Xu, Z Li, G Ren, Z Yang
Neurotoxicology 33 (5), 1128-1134, 2012
Fire retardancy of natural fibre reinforced sheet moulding compound
TD Hapuarachchi, G Ren, M Fan, PJ Hogg, T Peijs
Applied Composite Materials 14, 251-264, 2007
In vitro study on influence of nano particles of CuO on CA1 pyramidal neurons of rat hippocampus potassium currents
LJ Xu, JX Zhao, T Zhang, GG Ren, Z Yang
Environmental Toxicology: An International Journal 24 (3), 211-217, 2009
Antibacterial performance of a Cu-bearing stainless steel against microorganisms in tap water
M Li, L Nan, D Xu, G Ren, K Yang
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 31 (3), 243-251, 2015
Exploitation of antimicrobial nanoparticles and their applications in biomedical engineering
XY Yang, E Chung, I Johnston, G Ren, YK Cheong
Applied Sciences 11 (10), 4520, 2021
Study on behaviour and mechanism of Cu2+ ion release from Cu bearing antibacterial stainless steel
S Zhang, C Yang, G Ren, L Ren
Materials Technology 30 (sup6), B126-B132, 2015
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مقالات 1–20