Andrew Neal
Andrew Neal
Professor of Organisational Psychology and Human Factors, The University of Queensland
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A new model of work role performance: Positive behavior in uncertain and interdependent contexts
MA Griffin, A Neal, SK Parker
Academy of management journal 50 (2), 327-347, 2007
The impact of organizational climate on safety climate and individual behavior
A Neal, MA Griffin, PM Hart
Safety science 34 (1-3), 99-109, 2000
Perceptions of safety at work: a framework for linking safety climate to safety performance, knowledge, and motivation.
MA Griffin, A Neal
Journal of occupational health psychology 5 (3), 347, 2000
A study of the lagged relationships among safety climate, safety motivation, safety behavior, and accidents at the individual and group levels.
A Neal, MA Griffin
Journal of applied psychology 91 (4), 946, 2006
Safety climate and safety at work.
A Neal, MA Griffin
American Psychological Association, 2004
Safety climate and safety behaviour
A Neal, MA Griffin
Australian journal of management 27 (1_suppl), 67-75, 2002
A multilevel analysis of effort, practice, and performance: effects; of ability, conscientiousness, and goal orientation.
GB Yeo, A Neal
Journal of applied psychology 89 (2), 231, 2004
Technology and performance
AF Neal, B Hesketh
Jossey-Bass, 1999
Modeling and predicting mental workload in en route air traffic control: Critical review and broader implications
S Loft, P Sanderson, A Neal, M Mooij
Human factors 49 (3), 376-399, 2007
An examination of the dynamic relationship between self-efficacy and performance across levels of analysis and levels of specificity.
GB Yeo, A Neal
Journal of Applied Psychology 91 (5), 1088, 2006
Predicting the form and direction of work role performance from the Big 5 model of personality traits
A Neal, G Yeo, A Koy, T Xiao
Journal of organizational behavior 33 (2), 175-192, 2012
Do organizational climate and competitive strategy moderate the relationship between human resource management and productivity?
A Neal, MA West, MG Patterson
Journal of management 31 (4), 492-512, 2005
The contribution of task performance and contextual performance to effectiveness: Investigating the role of situational constraints
M Griffin, A Neal, M Neale
Applied Psychology 49 (3), 517-533, 2000
Dynamic self-regulation and multiple-goal pursuit
A Neal, T Ballard, JB Vancouver
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 4 (1 …, 2017
Using “war stories” to train for adaptive performance: Is it better to learn from error or success?
W Joung, B Hesketh, A Neal
Applied psychology 55 (2), 282-302, 2006
Safety climate and culture: Integrating psychological and systems perspectives.
T Casey, MA Griffin, H Flatau Harrison, A Neal
Journal of occupational health psychology 22 (3), 341, 2017
Subjective cognitive effort: A model of states, traits, and time.
G Yeo, A Neal
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (3), 617, 2008
Episodic knowledge and implicit learning
A Neal, B Hesketh
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 4, 24-37, 1997
An examination of the relationship between workload and fatigue within and across consecutive days of work: Is the relationship static or dynamic?
MR Grech, A Neal, G Yeo, M Humphreys, S Smith
Journal of occupational health psychology 14 (3), 231, 2009
An examination of the relationship amongst profiles of perceived organizational values, safety climate and safety outcomes
SK Colley, J Lincolne, A Neal
Safety science 51 (1), 69-76, 2013
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مقالات 1–20