Gerd Kjølle
Gerd Kjølle
Chief Scientist at SINTEF Energy Research
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
RELRAD-an analytical approach for distribution system reliability assessment
G Kjolle, K Sand
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 7 (2), 809-814, 1992
Risk analysis of critical infrastructures emphasizing electricity supply and interdependencies
GH Kjølle, IB Utne, O Gjerde
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 105, 80-89, 2012
Risk and interdependencies in critical infrastructures
P Hokstad, IB Utne, J Vatn
Springer, London, 2012
Customer costs related to interruptions and voltage problems: Methodology and results
GH Kjølle, K Samdal, B Singh, OA Kvitastein
IEEE Transactions on power systems 23 (3), 1030-1038, 2008
Probabilistic risk-based security assessment of power systems considering incumbent threats and uncertainties
E Ciapessoni, D Cirio, G Kjølle, S Massucco, A Pitto, M Sforna
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (6), 2890-2903, 2016
Vulnerability analysis of the Nordic power system
GL Doorman, K Uhlen, GH Kjolle, ES Huse
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 21 (1), 402-410, 2006
A comprehensive framework for vulnerability analysis of extraordinary events in power systems
IB Sperstad, GH Kjølle, O Gjerde
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 196, 106788, 2020
The impact of flexible resources in distribution systems on the security of electricity supply: A literature review
IB Sperstad, MZ Degefa, G Kjølle
Electric Power Systems Research 188, 106532, 2020
Protection system faults--a comparative review of fault statistics
GH Kjolle, O Gjerde, BT Hjartsjo, H Engen, L Haarla, L Koivisto, ...
2006 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power …, 2006
The economic aspect of reliability in distribution system planning
G Kjolle, L Rolfseng, E Dahl
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 5 (2), 1153-1157, 1990
A probabilistic security criterion for determination of power transfer limits in a deregulated environment
K Uhlen, GH Kjølle, GG Løvås, Ø Breidablik
Cigre Session, 2000
Interruption costs and consumer valuation of reliability of service in a liberalised power market
K Samdal, GH Kjolle, B Singh, O Kvitastein
2006 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power …, 2006
Wind dependent failure rates for overhead transmission lines using reanalysis data and a Bayesian updating scheme
ØR Solheim, T Trötscher, G Kjølle
2016 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power …, 2016
Vulnerability of the Nordic power system
GL Doorman, GH Kjølle, KO Uhlen, ES Huse, N Flatabø
SINTEF Rapport, 2004
Incorporating short interruptions and time dependency of interruption costs in continuity of supply regulation
G Kjolle, K Samdal, K Brekke
20th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution …, 2009
A comparison of AC and DC power flow models for contingency and reliability analysis
H Kile, K Uhlen, L Warland, G Kjølle
2014 power systems computation conference, 1-7, 2014
Reliability assessment of DC wind farms
HJ Bahirat, GH Kjølle, BA Mork, HK Høidalen
2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-7, 2012
Risk and vulnerability analysis of power systems including extraordinary events
O Gjerde, GH Kjølle, NK Detlefsen, G Brønmo
2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech, 1-5, 2011
Reliability and interruption cost prediction using time‐dependent failure rates and interruption costs
GH Kjølle, AT Holen
Quality and reliability engineering international 14 (3), 159-165, 1998
Customers Interruption Costs–What’s The Problem?
K Samdal, G Kjølle, B Singh, O Kvitastein
CIRED 17th International Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 2003
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مقالات 1–20