Takeshi Enomoto
Takeshi Enomoto
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على kyoto-u.ac.jp - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The formation mechanism of the Bonin high in August
T Enomoto, BJ Hoskins, Y Matsuda
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2003
10-km mesh meso-scale resolving simulations of the global atmosphere on the Earth Simulator: Preliminary outcomes of AFES (AGCM for the Earth Simulator)
W Ohfuchi, H Nakamura, MK Yoshioka, T Enomoto, K Takaya, X Peng, ...
J. Earth Simulator 1, 8-34, 2004
Interannual variability of the Bonin high associated with the propagation of Rossby waves along the Asian jet
T Enomoto
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 82 (4), 1019-1034, 2004
Localizing the error covariance by physical distances within a local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF)
T Miyoshi, S Yamane, T Enomoto
Sola 3, 89-92, 2007
An earth-system prediction initiative for the twenty-first century
M Shapiro, J Shukla, G Brunet, C Nobre, M Béland, R Dole, K Trenberth, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 91 (10), 1377-1388, 2010
Description of AFES 2: Improvements for high-resolution and coupled simulations
T Enomoto, A Kuwano-Yoshida, N Komori, W Ohfuchi
High resolution numerical modelling of the atmosphere and ocean, 77-97, 2008
An improved PDF cloud scheme for climate simulations
A Kuwano‐Yoshida, T Enomoto, W Ohfuchi
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 136 (651), 1583-1597, 2010
A standard test case suite for two-dimensional linear transport on the sphere: results from a collection of state-of-the-art schemes
PH Lauritzen, PA Ullrich, C Jablonowski, PA Bosler, D Calhoun, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 7 (1), 105-145, 2014
Impact of observations from Arctic drifting buoys on the reanalysis of surface fields
J Inoue, T Enomoto, T Miyoshi, S Yamane
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (8), 2009
The impact of radiosonde data over the ice‐free Arctic Ocean on the atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere
J Inoue, T Enomoto, ME Hori
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (5), 864-869, 2013
Planetary-scale streak structure reproduced in high-resolution simulations of the Venus atmosphere with a low-stability layer
H Kashimura, N Sugimoto, M Takagi, Y Matsuda, W Ohfuchi, T Enomoto, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 23, 2019
Observing-system research and ensemble data assimilation at JAMSTEC
T Enomoto, T Miyoshi, Q Moteki, J Inoue, M Hattori, A Kuwano-Yoshida, ...
Data assimilation for atmospheric, oceanic and hydrologic applications (Vol …, 2013
The AFES-LETKF experimental ensemble reanalysis: ALERA
T Miyoshi, S Yamane, T Enomoto
SOLA 3, 45-48, 2007
High-resolution simulation of the global coupled atmosphere-ocean system: Description and preliminary outcomes of CFES (CGCM for the Earth Simulator)
N Komori, A Kuwano-Yoshida, T Enomoto, H Sasaki, W Ohfuchi
High resolution numerical modelling of the atmosphere and ocean, 241-260, 2008
Intercomparison of surface heat transfer near the Arctic marginal ice zone for multiple reanalyses: A case study of September 2009
J Inoue, ME Hori, T Enomoto, T Kikuchi
Sola 7, 57-60, 2011
Development of an ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system for the Venusian atmosphere
N Sugimoto, A Yamazaki, T Kouyama, H Kashimura, T Enomoto, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 9321, 2017
Remote effects of tropical storm Cristobal upon a cut-off cyclone over Europe in August 2002
T Enomoto, W Ohfuchi, H Nakamura, MA Shapiro
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 96, 29-42, 2007
Predictability of explosive cyclogenesis over the northwestern Pacific region using ensemble reanalysis
A Kuwano-Yoshida, T Enomoto
Monthly weather review 141 (11), 3769-3785, 2013
A simulation study of the 2003 heatwave in Europe
M Nakamura, T Enomoto, S Yamane
Journal of the Earth Simulator 2, 55-69, 2005
Relationship between high-impact weather events in Japan and propagation of Rossby waves along the Asian jet in July 2004
T Enomoto, H Endo, Y Harada, W Ohfuchi
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 87 (1), 139-156, 2009
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مقالات 1–20