Marcelo Luís Francisco Abbade
Marcelo Luís Francisco Abbade
UNESP- Câmpus Experimental de São João da Boa Vista
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A technology for recycling lithium-ion batteries promoting the circular economy: The RecycLib
MP Dos Santos, IAA Garde, CMB Ronchini, L Cardozo Filho, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 175, 105863, 2021
Optical amplitude multiplexing through four-wave mixing in optical fibers
MLF Abbade, EAM Fagotto, RS Braga, IE Fonseca, E Moschim, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 17 (1), 151-153, 2004
Quaternary optical packets generated by fiber four-wave mixing
MLF Abbade, EAM Fagotto, RS Braga, FR Barbosa, E Moschim, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 18 (2), 331-333, 2006
Load balancing in fixed-routing optical networks with weighted ordering heuristics
LH Bonani, JCF Queiroz, MLF Abbade, F Callegati
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 11 (3), 26-38, 2019
All-optical demultiplexing of 4-ASK optical signals with four-wave mixing optical gates
EAM Fagotto, MLF Abbade
Optics Communications 283 (6), 1102-1109, 2010
Implementation and performance investigation of radio‐over‐fiber systems in wireless sensor networks
DG Lona, RM Assumpcao, OC Branquinho, MLF Abbade, ...
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 54 (12), 2669-2675, 2012
Network fragmentation measure in elastic optical networks
LH Bonani, M Forghani-Elahabad, MLF Abbade
2019 SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC), 1-5, 2019
All-optical cryptography of M-QAM formats by using two-dimensional spectrally sliced keys
MLF Abbade, M Cvijetic, CA Messani, CJ Alves, S Tenenbaum
Applied Optics 54 (14), 4359-4365, 2015
Histogram based clustering for nonlinear compensation in long reach coherent passive optical networks
I Aldaya, E Giacoumidis, G de Oliveira, J Wei, JL Pita, JD Marconi, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (1), 152, 2020
All-optical cryptography through spectral amplitude and delay encoding
MLF Abbade, LA Fossaluzza Jr, CA Messani, GM Taniguti, EAM Fagotto, ...
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications 12 …, 2013
Field-trial evaluation of cross-layer effect caused by all-optical wavelength converters on IP network applications
MLF Abbade, JD Marconi, RL Cassiolato, V Ishizuca, IE Fonseca, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 27 (12), 1816-1826, 2009
Compensation of nonlinear distortion in coherent optical OFDM systems using a MIMO deep neural network-based equalizer
I Aldaya, E Giacoumidis, A Tsokanos, M Jarajreh, Y Wen, J Wei, ...
Optics Letters 45 (20), 5820-5823, 2020
Ultra-broadband two-pump optical parametric amplifier in tellurite waveguides with engineered dispersion
JD Marconi, MLF Abbade, CM Serpa-Imbett, EAM Fagotto
Optics express 25 (4), 4268-4283, 2017
The effects of polarization mode dispersion on 2D wavelength-hopping time spreading code routed networks
FR Durand, L Galdino, LH Bonani, FR Barbosa, MLF Abbade, E Moschim
Photonic Network Communications 20, 27-32, 2010
State coupling effects in GaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs modulation doped quantum wells
MLF Abbade, F Iikawa, JA Brum, T Tröster, AA Bernussi, RG Pereira, ...
Journal of applied physics 80 (3), 1925-1927, 1996
Generation of quaternary‐amplitude microwave signals by using a new optical heterodyne technique
ATP Villena, S Arismar Cerqueira Jr, MLF Abbade, ...
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 54 (12), 2738-2743, 2012
All-optical encryption using multi-channel spectral shuffling
MLF Abbade, LDB Bobadilla, DO de Carvalho, AA Ferreira, LH Bonani, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31 (1), 98-101, 2018
Performance analysis of a Radio over Fiber system based on IEEE 802.15. 4 standard in a real optical network
A Cerqueira Sodré Jr, DCV e Silva, M Fortes, LF Da Silva, OC Branquinho, ...
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 51 (8), 1876-1879, 2009
Field-trial evaluation of the Q-factor penalty introduced by fiber four-wave mixing wavelength converters
JD Marconi, FA Callegari, MLF Abbade, HL Fragnito
Optics communications 282 (1), 106-116, 2009
Optical amplitude multiplexing through parametric amplification in optical fibers
MLF Abbade, ALA Costa, FR Barbosa, FR Durand, JD Marconi, ...
Optics communications 283 (3), 454-463, 2010
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20