The validity of the job characteristics model: A review and meta‐analysis Y Fried, GR Ferris Personnel psychology 40 (2), 287-322, 1987 | 3149 | 1987 |
A meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of leader-member exchange: Integrating the past with an eye toward the future JH Dulebohn, WH Bommer, RC Liden, RL Brouer, GR Ferris Journal of management 38 (6), 1715-1759, 2012 | 2668 | 2012 |
Development and validation of the political skill inventory GR Ferris, DC Treadway, RW Kolodinsky, WA Hochwarter, CJ Kacmar, ... Journal of management 31 (1), 126-152, 2005 | 2202 | 2005 |
Political skill in organizations GR Ferris, DC Treadway, PL Perrewé, RL Brouer, C Douglas, S Lux Journal of management 33 (3), 290-320, 2007 | 1649 | 2007 |
Influence tactics, affect, and exchange quality in supervisor-subordinate interactions: A laboratory experiment and field study. SJ Wayne, GR Ferris Journal of applied psychology 75 (5), 487, 1990 | 1644 | 1990 |
Perceptions of organizational politics GR Ferris, KM Kacmar Journal of management 18 (1), 93-116, 1992 | 1581 | 1992 |
Politics in organizations GR Ferris, GS Russ, PM Fandt Impression management in the organization, 143-170, 2013 | 1520* | 2013 |
Personnel/human resources management: A political influence perspective GR Ferris, TA Judge Journal of management 17 (2), 447-488, 1991 | 1081 | 1991 |
Social context of performance evaluation decisions TA Judge, GR Ferris Academy of management journal 36 (1), 80-105, 1993 | 1016 | 1993 |
Emotional intelligence, leadership effectiveness, and team outcomes L Melita Prati, C Douglas, GR Ferris, AP Ammeter, MR Buckley The international journal of organizational analysis 11 (1), 21-40, 2003 | 995 | 2003 |
Perceptions of organizational politics scale (POPS): Development and construct validation KM Kacmar, GR Ferris Educational and Psychological measurement 51 (1), 193-205, 1991 | 995 | 1991 |
Leader political skill and team performance KK Ahearn, GR Ferris, WA Hochwarter, C Douglas, AP Ammeter Journal of management 30 (3), 309-327, 2004 | 994 | 2004 |
Influence tactics and work outcomes: A meta‐analysis CA Higgins, TA Judge, GR Ferris Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2003 | 994 | 2003 |
Human resources management: Some new directions GR Ferris, WA Hochwarter, MR Buckley, G Harrell-Cook, DD Frink Journal of management 25 (3), 385-415, 1999 | 919 | 1999 |
Perceptions of organizational politics: Prediction, stress-related implications, and outcomes GR Ferris, DD Frink, MC Galang, J Zhou, KM Kacmar, JL Howard Human relations 49 (2), 233-266, 1996 | 798 | 1996 |
Toward a social context theory of the human resource management-organization effectiveness relationship GR Ferris, MM Arthur, HM Berkson, DM Kaplan, G Harrell-Cook, DD Frink Human resource management review 8 (3), 235-264, 1998 | 763 | 1998 |
Relationships at work: Toward a multidimensional conceptualization of dyadic work relationships GR Ferris, RC Liden, TP Munyon, JK Summers, KJ Basik, MR Buckley Journal of management 35 (6), 1379-1403, 2009 | 699 | 2009 |
Political skill at work GR Ferris, PL Perrewé, WP Anthony, DC Gilmore Organizational influence processes, 395-406, 2016 | 655 | 2016 |
Perceptions of organizational politics: Theory and research directions GR Ferris, G Adams, RW Kolodinsky, WA Hochwarter, AP Ammeter The many faces of multi-level issues, 179-254, 2002 | 638 | 2002 |
Age, tenure, and job satisfaction: A tale of two perspectives AG Bedeian, GR Ferris, KM Kacmar Journal of Vocational behavior 40 (1), 33-48, 1992 | 626 | 1992 |