Matthieu BUGNET
Matthieu BUGNET
CNRS - French National Centre for Scientific Research
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Direct Measurement of Surface Termination Groups and Their Connectivity in the 2D MXene V2CTx Using NMR Spectroscopy
KJ Harris, M Bugnet, M Naguib, MW Barsoum, GR Goward
J. Phys. Chem. C 119 (24), 13713–13720, 2015
Segregation and clustering of solutes at grain boundaries in Mg–rare earth solid solutions
M Bugnet, A Kula, M Niewczas, GA Botton
Acta Materialia 79, 66-73, 2014
Enhanced and tunable surface plasmons in two-dimensional stacks: Electronic structure versus boundary effects
V Mauchamp, M Bugnet, EP Bellido, GA Botton, P Moreau, D Magne, ...
Physical Review B 89 (23), 235428, 2014
Chemical structure of nitrogen-doped graphene with single platinum atoms and atomic clusters as a platform for the PEMFC electrode
S Stambula, N Gauquelin, M Bugnet, S Gorantla, S Turner, S Sun, J Liu, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (8), 3890-3900, 2014
Elucidating the nature of the active phase in copper/ceria catalysts for CO oxidation
JS Elias, N Artrith, M Bugnet, L Giordano, GA Botton, AM Kolpak, ...
ACS Catalysis 6 (3), 1675-1679, 2016
Three-dimensional quantum confinement of charge carriers in self-organized AlGaN nanowires: A viable route to electrically injected deep ultraviolet lasers
S Zhao, SY Woo, M Bugnet, X Liu, J Kang, GA Botton, Z Mi
Nano letters 15 (12), 7801-7807, 2015
Can magneto-plasmonic nanohybrids efficiently combine photothermia with magnetic hyperthermia?
A Espinosa, M Bugnet, G Radtke, S Neveu, GA Botton, C Wilhelm, A Abou-Hassan
Nanoscale 7 (45), 18872-18877, 2015
Intracellular Biodegradation of Ag Nanoparticles, Storage in Ferritin, and Protection by Au Shell for Enhanced Photothermal Therapy.
A Espinosa, A Curcio, S Cabana, G Radtke, M Bugnet, J Kolosnjaj-Tabi, ...
ACS nano 12, 6523–6535, 2018
Strained Lattice with Persistent Atomic Order in Pt3Fe2 Intermetallic Core–Shell Nanocatalysts
S Prabhudev, M Bugnet, C Bock, GA Botton
ACS nano 7 (7), 6103-6110, 2013
Atmosphere-dependent stability and mobility of catalytic Pt single atoms and clusters on γ-Al 2 O 3
C Dessal, A Sangnier, C Chizallet, C Dujardin, F Morfin, JL Rousset, ...
Nanoscale 11 (14), 6897-6904, 2019
Three-Dimensional Self-Organization in Nanocomposite Layered Systems by Ultrafast Laser Pulses
Z Liu, J Siegel, M Garcia-Lechuga, T Epicier, Y Lefkir, S Reynaud, ...
ACS Nano 11 (5), 5031–5040, 2017
XPS and EELS characterization of Mn2SiO4, MnSiO3 and MnAl2O4
AP Grosvenor, EM Bellhouse, A Korinek, M Bugnet, JR McDermid
Applied Surface Science 379, 242-248, 2016
Magneto‐thermal metrics can mirror the long‐term intracellular fate of magneto‐plasmonic nanohybrids and reveal the remarkable shielding effect of gold
F Mazuel, A Espinosa, G Radtke, M Bugnet, S Neveu, Y Lalatonne, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (9), 1605997, 2017
Spatially Resolved Surface Valence Gradient and Structural Transformation of Lithium Transition Metal Oxides in Lithium-Ion Batteries
H Liu, M Bugnet, MZ Tessaro, KJ Harris, MJR Dunham, M Jiang, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016
Epitaxial growth and electrical transport properties of Cr2GeC thin films
P Eklund, M Bugnet, V Mauchamp, S Dubois, C Tromas, J Jensen, ...
Physical Review B 84 (7), 075424, 2011
Direct visualization and control of atomic mobility at {100} surfaces of ceria in the environmental transmission electron microscope
M Bugnet, SH Overbury, Z Wu, T Epicier
Nano letters 17 (12), 7652–7658, 2017
Molecular beam epitaxial growth and characterization of Al (Ga) N nanowire deep ultraviolet light emitting diodes and lasers
Z Mi, S Zhao, SY Woo, M Bugnet, M Djavid, X Liu, J Kang, X Kong, W Ji, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (36), 364006, 2016
Shape-selective synthesis of nanoceria for degradation of paraoxon as a chemical warfare simulant
I Trenque, GC Magnano, MA Bolzinger, L Roiban, F Chaput, I Pitault, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (10), 5455-5465, 2019
Precipitation and grain growth modelling in Ti-Nb microalloyed steels
A Graux, S Cazottes, D De Castro, D San Martín, C Capdevila, ...
Materialia 5, 100233, 2019
Stability of the nitrogen-deficient Ti2AlNx MAX phase in Ar2+-irradiated (Ti,Al)N/Ti2AlNx multilayers
M Bugnet, T Cabioc’h, V Mauchamp, P Guérin, M Marteau, M Jaouen
Journal of materials science 45 (20), 5547-5552, 2010
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مقالات 1–20