Shi Kuang
Shi Kuang
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على nsstc.uah.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Stratosphere‐to‐troposphere transport revealed by ground‐based lidar and ozonesonde at a midlatitude site
S Kuang, MJ Newchurch, J Burris, L Wang, K Knupp, G Huang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D18), 2012
Differential absorption lidar to measure subhourly variation of tropospheric ozone profiles
S Kuang, JF Burris, MJ Newchurch, S Johnson, S Long
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 49 (1), 557-571, 2010
Langley mobile ozone lidar: ozone and aerosol atmospheric profiling for air quality research
R De Young, W Carrion, R Ganoe, D Pliutau, G Gronoff, T Berkoff, ...
Applied optics 56 (3), 721-730, 2017
Validation of the TOLNet lidars: The southern California ozone observation project (scoop)
T Leblanc, MA Brewer, PS Wang, MJ Granados-Muñoz, KB Strawbridge, ...
Atmospheric measurement techniques 11 (11), 6137-6162, 2018
Ground‐based High Spectral Resolution Lidar observation of aerosol vertical distribution in the summertime Southeast United States
JS Reid, RE Kuehn, RE Holz, EW Eloranta, KC Kaku, S Kuang, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (5), 2970-3004, 2017
Ground-based lidar for atmospheric boundary layer ozone measurements
S Kuang, MJ Newchurch, J Burris, X Liu
Applied optics 52 (15), 3557-3566, 2013
Nocturnal ozone enhancement in the lower troposphere observed by lidar
S Kuang, MJ Newchurch, J Burris, L Wang, PI Buckley, S Johnson, ...
Atmospheric Environment 45 (33), 6078-6084, 2011
Coordinated profiling of stratospheric intrusions and transported pollution by the Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) and NASA Alpha Jet experiment (AJAX): Observations …
AO Langford, RJ Alvarez II, J Brioude, S Evan, LT Iraci, G Kirgis, S Kuang, ...
Atmospheric Environment 174, 1-14, 2018
Combined UV and IR ozone profile retrieval from TROPOMI and CrIS measurements
N Mettig, M Weber, A Rozanov, JP Burrows, P Veefkind, AM Thompson, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15 (9), 2955-2978, 2022
Quantifying TOLNet ozone lidar accuracy during the 2014 DISCOVER-AQ and FRAPPÉ campaigns
L Wang, MJ Newchurch, RJ Alvarez II, TA Berkoff, SS Brown, W Carrion, ...
Atmospheric measurement techniques 10 (10), 3865-3876, 2017
Summertime tropospheric ozone enhancement associated with a cold front passage due to stratosphere‐to‐troposphere transport and biomass burning: Simultaneous ground‐based lidar …
S Kuang, MJ Newchurch, MS Johnson, L Wang, J Burris, RB Pierce, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (2), 1293-1311, 2017
Evaluating AURA/OMI ozone profiles using ozonesonde data and EPA surface measurements for August 2006
L Wang, MJ Newchurch, A Biazar, X Liu, S Kuang, M Khan, K Chance
Atmospheric Environment 45 (31), 5523-5530, 2011
Evaluating summer-time ozone enhancement events in the southeast United States
MS Johnson, S Kuang, L Wang, MJ Newchurch
Atmosphere 7 (8), 108, 2016
沈元芳, 况石
应用气象学报 13 (U01), 223-231, 2002
Estimating the influence of lightning on upper tropospheric ozone using NLDN lightning data and CMAQ model
L Wang, MJ Newchurch, A Pour-Biazar, S Kuang, M Khan, X Liu, ...
Atmospheric environment 67, 219-228, 2013
Evaluation of potential sources of a priori ozone profiles for TEMPO tropospheric ozone retrievals
MS Johnson, X Liu, P Zoogman, J Sullivan, MJ Newchurch, S Kuang, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11 (6), 3457-3477, 2018
Resolving ozone vertical gradients in air quality models
KR Travis, DJ Jacob, CA Keller, S Kuang, J Lin, MJ Newchurch, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 2017, 1-18, 2017
TOLNET–A tropospheric ozone lidar profiling network for satellite continuity and process studies
MJ Newchurch, S Kuang, T Leblanc, RJ Alvarez, AO Langford, CJ Senff, ...
EPJ web of conferences 119, 20001, 2016
CAPPS 在国家气象中心多城市污染指数数值预报业务系统中的应用
朱蓉, 徐大海, 周朝东, 张跃堂, 周春红, 况石
应用气象学报 13 (U01), 204-213, 2002
Evaluation of lightning-induced tropospheric ozone enhancements observed by ozone lidar and simulated by WRF/Chem
L Wang, MB Follette-Cook, MJ Newchurch, KE Pickering, A Pour-Biazar, ...
Atmospheric Environment 115, 185-191, 2015
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مقالات 1–20