Noam Ross
Noam Ross
Executive Director, rOpenSci
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Host and viral traits predict zoonotic spillover from mammals
KJ Olival, PR Hosseini, C Zambrana-Torrelio, N Ross, TL Bogich, ...
Nature 546 (7660), 646-650, 2017
Hierarchical generalized additive models in ecology: an introduction with mgcv
EJ Pedersen, DL Miller, GL Simpson, N Ross
PeerJ 7, e6876, 2019
Climate change increases cross-species viral transmission risk
CJ Carlson, GF Albery, C Merow, CH Trisos, CM Zipfel, EA Eskew, ...
Nature 607 (7919), 555-562, 2022
viridis: Default Color Maps from ‘matplotlib’
S Garnier, N Ross, B Rudis, M Sciaini, C Scherer
R package version 0.5 1, 2018, 2018
viridis-Colorblind-friendly color maps for R
S Garnier, N Ross, R Rudis, PA Camargo, M Sciaini, C Scherer
R package version 0.6 2, 2021
Ranking the risk of animal-to-human spillover for newly discovered viruses
ZL Grange, T Goldstein, CK Johnson, S Anthony, K Gilardi, P Daszak, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (15), e2002324118, 2021
The global distribution of Bacillus anthracis and associated anthrax risk to humans, livestock and wildlife
CJ Carlson, IT Kracalik, N Ross, KA Alexander, ME Hugh-Jones, M Fegan, ...
Nature microbiology 4 (8), 1337-1343, 2019
Early warning signals: the charted and uncharted territories
C Boettiger, N Ross, A Hastings
Theoretical ecology 6, 255-264, 2013
Nipah virus dynamics in bats and implications for spillover to humans
JH Epstein, SJ Anthony, A Islam, AM Kilpatrick, S Ali Khan, MD Balkey, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (46), 29190-29201, 2020
Human-animal interactions and bat coronavirus spillover potential among rural residents in Southern China
H Li, E Mendelsohn, C Zong, W Zhang, E Hagan, N Wang, S Li, H Yan, ...
Biosafety and health 1 (02), 84-90, 2019
viridis: Default Color Maps from ‘matplotlib’. R package version 0.5. 1
S Garnier, N Ross, B Rudis, M Sciaini, C Scherer
Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), 2018
Hierarchical generalized additive models in ecology: an introduction with mgcv. PeerJ 7: e6876
EJ Pedersen, DL Miller, GL Simpson, N Ross
Predicting the global mammalian viral sharing network using phylogeography
GF Albery, EA Eskew, N Ross, KJ Olival
Nature communications 11 (1), 2260, 2020
The future of zoonotic risk prediction
CJ Carlson, MJ Farrell, Z Grange, BA Han, N Mollentze, AL Phelan, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1837), 20200358, 2021
Climate change will drive novel cross-species viral transmission
CJ Carlson, GF Albery, C Merow, CH Trisos, CM Zipfel, EA Eskew, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.01. 24.918755, 2020
Characterization of a yeast mitochondrial locus necessary for tRNA biosynthesis: deletion mapping and restriction mapping studies
K Underbrink-Lyon, DL Miller, NA Ross, H Fukuhara, NC Martin
Molecular and General Genetics MGG 191, 512-518, 1983
viridis: Default Color Maps from “matplotlib.” 2018
S Garnier, N Ross, B Rudis, M Sciaini, C Scherer
R package version 0.5 1, 2019
United States wildlife and wildlife product imports from 2000–2014
EA Eskew, AM White, N Ross, KM Smith, KF Smith, JP Rodríguez, ...
Scientific Data 7 (1), 22, 2020
viridis (Lite)-colorblind-friendly color maps for R
S Garnier, N Ross, R Rudis, PA Camargo, M Sciaini, C Scherer
Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), 2023
fasterize: Fast polygon to raster conversion
N Ross
R package version 1 (3), 2020
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مقالات 1–20