Antoine Chaigne
Antoine Chaigne
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Digital delay networks for designing artificial reverberators
JM Jot, A Chaigne
Audio Engineering Society Convention 90, 1991
Numerical simulations of piano strings. I. A physical model for a struck string using finite difference methods
A Chaigne, A Askenfelt
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 95 (2), 1112-1118, 1994
Acoustics of musical instruments
A Chaigne, J Kergomard
Springer, 2016
Hardening/softening behaviour in non-linear oscillations of structural systems using non-linear normal modes
C Touzé, O Thomas, A Chaigne
Journal of Sound and Vibration 273 (1-2), 77-101, 2004
Acoustique des instruments de musique
A Chaigne, J Kergomard
Belin, 2008
Numerical simulations of xylophones. I. Time-domain modeling of the vibrating bars
A Chaigne, V Doutaut
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101 (1), 539-557, 1997
Asymmetric non-linear forced vibrations of free-edge circular plates. Part 1: Theory
C Touzé, O Thomas, A Chaigne
Journal of Sound and Vibration 258 (4), 649-676, 2002
Time-domain simulation of damped impacted plates. I. Theory and experiments
A Chaigne, C Lambourg
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109 (4), 1422-1432, 2001
Asymmetric non-linear forced vibrations of free-edge circular plates. Part II: experiments
O Thomas, C Touzé, A Chaigne
Journal of Sound and Vibration 265 (5), 1075-1101, 2003
The psychomechanics of simulated sound sources: Material properties of impacted bars
S McAdams, A Chaigne, V Roussarie
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 115 (3), 1306-1320, 2004
Time-domain modeling and numerical simulation of a kettledrum
L Rhaouti, A Chaigne, P Joly
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 105 (6), 3545-3562, 1999
Numerical simulations of piano strings. II. Comparisons with measurements and systematic exploration of some hammer‐string parameters
A Chaigne, A Askenfelt
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 95 (3), 1631-1640, 1994
Non-linear vibrations of free-edge thin spherical shells: modal interaction rules and 1: 1: 2 internal resonance
O Thomas, C Touzé, A Chaigne
International Journal of Solids and Structures 42 (11-12), 3339-3373, 2005
On the use of finite differences for musical synthesis. apprication to plucked stringed instruments
A Chaigne
J. d'Acoust 5 (2), 181-211, 1992
Time-domain simulation of damped impacted plates. II. Numerical model and results
C Lambourg, A Chaigne, D Matignon
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109 (4), 1433-1447, 2001
Time-domain simulation of a guitar: Model and method
G Derveaux, A Chaigne, P Joly, E Bécache
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114 (6), 3368-3383, 2003
Method and system for artificial spatialisation of digital audio signals
JM Jot, A Chaigne
US Patent 5,491,754, 1996
Modeling and simulation of a grand piano
J Chabassier, A Chaigne, P Joly
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (1), 648-665, 2013
Numerical simulation of a guitar
E Bécache, A Chaigne, G Derveaux, P Joly
Computers & Structures 83 (2-3), 107-126, 2005
Nonlinear vibrations and chaos in gongs and cymbals
A Chaigne, C Touzé, O Thomas
Acoustical science and technology 26 (5), 403-409, 2005
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مقالات 1–20