Jurgens de Lange
Jurgens de Lange
Lecturer: Theoretical Chemistry, University of Pretoria
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على up.ac.za
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Physical Nature of Interactions in ZnII Complexes with 2,2′-Bipyridyl: Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM), Interacting Quantum Atoms (IQA …
I Cukrowski, JH de Lange, M Mitoraj
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (3), 623-637, 2014
Evaluating common QTAIM and NCI interpretations of the electron density concentration through IQA interaction energies and 1D cross-sections of the electron and deformation …
I Cukrowski, JH de Lange, AS Adeyinka, P Mangondo
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1053, 60-76, 2015
Adsorption of antiretroviral drugs, efavirenz and nevirapine from aqueous solution by graphene wool: Kinetic, equilibrium, thermodynamic and computational studies
AO Adeola, J de Lange, PBC Forbes
Applied Surface Science Advances 6, 100157, 2021
Synthesis, structure and DFT study of asymmetrical NHC complexes of cymantrene derivatives and their application in the dehydrogenative dimerization reaction of thiols
R Fraser, PH van Rooyen, J de Lange, I Cukrowski, M Landman
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 840, 11-22, 2017
Toward deformation densities for intramolecular interactions without radical reference states using the fragment, atom, localized, delocalized, and interatomic (FALDI) charge …
JH de Lange, I Cukrowski
Journal of computational chemistry 38 (13), 981-997, 2017
Origin of hydrocarbons stability from a computational perspective: a case study of ortho‐xylene isomers
MP Mitoraj, F Sagan, DW Szczepanik, JH de Lange, AL Ptaszek, ...
ChemPhysChem 21 (6), 494-502, 2020
Quantifying individual (anti) bonding molecular orbitals’ contributions to chemical bonding
JH de Lange, DME van Niekerk, I Cukrowski
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (37), 20988-20998, 2019
FALDI‐based criterion for and the origin of an electron density bridge with an associated (3,–1) critical point on Bader's molecular graph
JH de Lange, DME van Niekerk, I Cukrowski
Journal of computational chemistry 39 (27), 2283-2299, 2018
FALDI‐based decomposition of an atomic interaction line leads to 3D representation of the multicenter nature of interactions
JH de Lange, DME van Niekerk, I Cukrowski
Journal of Computational Chemistry 39 (16), 973-985, 2018
Exploring fundamental differences between red-and blue-shifted intramolecular hydrogen bonds using FAMSEC, FALDI, IQA and QTAIM
I Cukrowski, DME van Niekerk, JH de Lange
Structural Chemistry 28, 1429-1444, 2017
The CH··· HC interaction in biphenyl is a delocalized, molecular‐wide and entirely non‐classical interaction: Results from FALDI analysis
TG Bates, JH de Lange, I Cukrowski
Journal of Computational Chemistry 42 (10), 706-718, 2021
Exact and exclusive electron localization indices within QTAIM atomic basins
JH de Lange, I Cukrowski
Journal of Computational Chemistry 39 (20), 1517-1530, 2018
Molecular Orbitals Support Energy-Stabilizing “Bonding” Nature of Bader’s Bond Paths
I Cukrowski, JH de Lange, DME van Niekerk, TG Bates
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 124 (27), 5523-5533, 2020
Gold (I) hydrides as proton acceptors in dihydrogen bond formation
I Cukrowski, JH de Lange, F Groenewald, HG Raubenheimer
ChemPhysChem 18 (16), 2288-2294, 2017
Characterization of bonding modes in metal complexes through electron density cross‐sections
S de Beer, I Cukrowski, JH de Lange
Journal of Computational Chemistry 41 (32), 2695-2706, 2020
Comparison of DAFH and FALDI-like approaches
DL Cooper, JH de Lange, R Ponec
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 139, 1-14, 2020
Using machine learning to improve the science-policy-society interface on the SDGs in South Africa
W Fourie, T Kroesen, J de Lange, SASDG Hub
South African SDG Hub, 0
All‐body concept and quantified limits of cooperativity and related effects in homodromic cyclic water clusters from a molecular‐wide and electron density‐based approach
I Cukrowski, S Zaaiman, S Hussain, JH de Lange
Journal of Computational Chemistry 45 (32), 2812-2824, 2024
Fundamental Nature of Chemical Bonding from the Novel Fragment Atom Localised Delocalised and Interatomic (FALDI) Electron Density Decomposition Scheme: A Theoretical Study
JH De Lange
PQDT-Global, 2018
Theoretical Investigation of CH, HC Contacts and Other Intramolecular Interactions in 2, 2′-Bipyridine and its complexes with Metal Ions
JH De Lange
PQDT-Global, 2013
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20