Ulrich Pfister
Ulrich Pfister
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Economic growth in Germany, 1500–1850
U Pfister
The Journal of Economic History 82 (4), 1071-1107, 2022
Die Zürcher Fabriques: Protoindustrielles Wachstum vom 16. zum 18. Jahrhundert
U Pfister
(No Title), 1992
International financial relations as part of the world-system
U Pfister, C Suter
International Studies Quarterly 31 (3), 239-272, 1987
The population history of Germany: Research strategy and preliminary results (No. WP-2010-035)
U Pfister, G Fertig
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, 2010
The timing and pattern of real wage divergence in pre‐industrial Europe: evidence from Germany, c. 1500–1850
U Pfister
The Economic History Review 70 (3), 701-729, 2017
Craft guilds, the theory of the firm, and early modern proto-industry
U Pfister
Guilds, innovation, and the European economy, 1400-1800, 2008
Le petit crédit rural en Suisse aux XVIe-XVIIIe siècles
U Pfister
Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 49 (6), 1339-1357, 1994
Craft guilds and proto-industrialization in Europe, 16th to 18th centuries
U Pfister
Guilds, Economy and Society, edited by SR Epstein, HG Haupt, Carlo Poni, and …, 1998
Politischer Klientelismus in der frühneuzeitlichen Schweiz
U Pfister
The protoindustrial household economy: Toward a formal analysis
U Pfister
Journal of Family History 17 (2), 201-232, 1992
Work roles and family structure in proto-industrial Zurich
U Pfister
The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 20 (1), 83-105, 1989
Die Anfänge der Geburtenbeschränkung
U Pfister
Eine Fallstudie (ausgewählte Zürcher Familien im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert …, 1985
Real wages and the origins of modern economic growth in Germany, 16th to 19th centuries
U Pfister, J Riedel, M Uebele
EHES working papers in economic history, 2012
The quantitative development of Germany’s international trade during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
U Pfister
Revue de l'OFCE 140 (4), 175-221, 2015
From Malthusian disequilibrium to the post-Malthusian era: The evolution of the preventive and positive checks in Germany, 1730–1870
U Pfister, G Fertig
Demography 57 (3), 1145-1170, 2020
Institutions versus demand: determinants of agricultural development in Saxony, 1660–1850
U Pfister, M Kopsidis
European Review of Economic History 19 (3), 275-293, 2015
Proto-industrialization and demographic change: the Canton of Zürich revisited
U Pfister
Journal of european economic history 18 (3), 629, 1989
The Crafts–Harley view of German industrialization: An independent estimate of the income side of net national product, 1851–1913
U Pfister
European Review of Economic History 24 (3), 502-521, 2020
Craft Guilds and Technological Change: The Engine Room in the European Silk Ribbon Industry in the Seventheenth and Eighteenth Centuries
U Pfister
The great moderation of grain price volatility: Market integration vs. climate change, Germany, 1650–1790
H Albers, U Pfister, M Uebele
EHES Working Papers in Economic History, 2018
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مقالات 1–20