J. Manuel Cascón
J. Manuel Cascón
Associate Professor
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Quasi-optimal convergence rate for an adaptive finite element method
JM Cascon, C Kreuzer, RH Nochetto, KG Siebert
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46 (5), 2524-2550, 2008
A new approach to solid modeling with trivariate T-splines based on mesh optimization
JM Escobar, JM Cascón, E Rodríguez, R Montenegro
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (45-46), 3210-3222, 2011
An automatic strategy for adaptive tetrahedral mesh generation
R Montenegro, JM Cascón, JM Escobar, E Rodríguez, G Montero
Applied Numerical Mathematics 59 (9), 2203-2217, 2009
Quasioptimal cardinality of AFEM driven by nonresidual estimators
JM Cascón, RH Nochetto
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 32 (1), 1-29, 2012
A GIS-based fire spread simulator integrating a simplified physical wildland fire model and a wind field model
D Prieto Herráez, MI Asensio Sevilla, L Ferragut Canals, ...
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (11), 2142-2163, 2017
On measures of cohesiveness under dichotomous opinions: Some characterizations of approval consensus measures
JCR Alcantud, R de Andrés Calle, JM Cascón
Information Sciences 240, 45-55, 2013
Design and convergence of AFEM in H (div)
JM Cascon, RH Nochetto, KG Siebert
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 17 (11), 1849-1881, 2007
Space-time adaptive algorithm for the mixed parabolic problem
JM Cascón, L Ferragut, MI Asensio
Numerische Mathematik 103 (3), 367-392, 2006
A new meccano technique for adaptive 3-D triangulations
JM Cascón, R Montenegro, JM Escobar, E Rodríguez, G Montero
Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable, 103-120, 2008
Wind forecasting based on the harmonie model and adaptive finite elements
A Oliver, E Rodríguez, JM Escobar, G Montero, M Hortal, J Calvo, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 172 (1), 109-120, 2015
Comparison of the meccano method with standard mesh generation techniques
JM Cascón, E Rodríguez, JM Escobar, R Montenegro
Engineering with Computers 31 (1), 161-174, 2015
A unifying model to measure consensus solutions in a society
JCR Alcantud, R de Andrés Calle, JM Cascón
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 (7-8), 1876-1883, 2013
A posteriori error analysis of an augmented mixed finite element method for Darcy flow
TP Barrios, JM Cascón, M González
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 283, 909-922, 2015
A wildland fire physical model well suited to data assimilation
L Ferragut, MI Asensio, JM Cascón, D Prieto
Pure and Applied Geophysics 172 (1), 121-139, 2015
Augmented mixed finite element method for the Oseen problem: A priori and a posteriori error analyses
TP Barrios, JM Cascón, M González
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 313, 216-238, 2017
A new method for T-spline parameterization of complex 2D geometries
M Brovka, JI López, JM Escobar, JM Cascón, R Montenegro
Engineering with Computers 30 (4), 457-473, 2014
The meccano method for isogeometric solid modeling and applications
JM Escobar, R Montenegro, E Rodríguez, JM Cascón
Engineering with computers 30 (3), 331-343, 2014
The meccano method for automatic tetrahedral mesh generation of complex genus-zero solids
JM Cascón, R Montenegro, JM Escobar, E Rodríguez, G Montero
Proceedings of the 18th International Meshing Roundtable, 463-480, 2009
High-Order AFEM for the Laplace–Beltrami Operator: Convergence Rates
A Bonito, JM Cascón, K Mekchay, P Morin, RH Nochetto
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 16 (6), 1473-1539, 2016
Sensitivity analysis and parameter adjustment in a simplified physical wildland fire model
D Prieto, MI Asensio, L Ferragut, JM Cascón
Advances in Engineering Software 90, 98-106, 2015
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20