Barbara Mauz
Barbara Mauz
Senior Lecturer, University of Liverpool
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Markers of the last interglacial sea-level high stand along the coast of Italy: tectonic implications
L Ferranti, F Antonioli, B Mauz, A Amorosi, G Dai Pra, G Mastronuzzi, ...
Quaternary international 145, 30-54, 2006
Beachrock: a tool for reconstructing relative sea level in the far-field
B Mauz, M Vacchi, A Green, G Hoffmann, A Cooper
Marine Geology 362, 1-16, 2015
On the dose-rate estimate of carbonate-rich sediments for trapped charge dating
RP Nathan, B Mauz
Radiation Measurements 43 (1), 14-25, 2008
Episodic overbank deposition as a dominant mechanism of floodplain and delta-plain aggradation
Z Shen, TE Törnqvist, B Mauz, EL Chamberlain, AG Nijhuis, L Sandoval
Geology 43 (10), 875-878, 2015
Luminescence dating of glaciofluvial deposits: a review
IM Thrasher, B Mauz, RC Chiverrell, A Lang
Earth-Science Reviews 97 (1-4), 133-146, 2009
Anatomy of Mississippi Delta growth and its implications for coastal restoration
EL Chamberlain, TE Törnqvist, Z Shen, B Mauz, J Wallinga
Science advances 4 (4), eaar4740, 2018
Aeolian beach ridges and their significance for climate and sea level: Concept and insight from the Levant coast (East Mediterranean)
B Mauz, MP Hijma, A Amorosi, N Porat, E Galili, J Bloemendal
Earth-Science Reviews 121, 31-54, 2013
The alpha effectiveness in silt-sized quartz: new data obtained by single and multiple aliquot protocols
B Mauz, SC Packman, A Lang
Ancient TL 24 (2), 47-52, 2006
The luminescence dating laboratory at the University of Bonn: equipment and procedures
B Mauz, T Bode, E Mainz, H Blanchard, W Hilger, R Dikau, L Zöller
Ancient TL 20 (2), 53-61, 2002
Late Pleistocene dust deposition in the Patagonian steppe-extending and refining the paleoenvironmental and tephrochronological record from Laguna Potrok Aike back to 55 ka
T Haberzettl, FS Anselmetti, SW Bowen, M Fey, C Mayr, B Zolitschka, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (25-26), 2927-2939, 2009
Preservation of a drowned gravel barrier complex: A landscape evolution study from the north-eastern English Channel
CL Mellett, DM Hodgson, A Lang, B Mauz, I Selby, AJ Plater
Marine Geology 315, 115-131, 2012
Rapid and widespread response of the Lower Mississippi River to eustatic forcing during the last glacial-interglacial cycle
Z Shen, TE Törnqvist, WJ Autin, ZRP Mateo, KM Straub, B Mauz
Bulletin 124 (5-6), 690-704, 2012
Removal of the feldspar-derived luminescence component from polymineral fine silt samples for optical dating applications: evaluation of chemical treatment protocols and …
B Mauz, A Lang
Ancient TL 22 (1), 1-8, 2004
Luminescence chronology of Late Pleistocene raised beaches in southern Italy: new data of relative sea-level changes
B Mauz, U Hassler
Marine Geology 170 (1-2), 187-203, 2000
Dust and loessic alluvial deposits in Northwestern Namibia (Damaraland, Kaokoveld): sedimentology and palaeoclimatic evidence based on luminescence data
B Eitel, WD Blümel, K Hüser, B Mauz
Quaternary International 76, 57-65, 2001
Denudation of the continental shelf between Britain and France at the glacial–interglacial timescale
CL Mellett, DM Hodgson, AJ Plater, B Mauz, I Selby, A Lang
Geomorphology 203, 79-96, 2013
Methods for absolute and relative age dating of rock-glacier surfaces in alpine permafrost
W Haeberli, D Brandova, C Burga, M Egli, R Frauenfelder, A Kääb, ...
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost 1, 343-348, 2003
Late Pleistocene records of littoral processes at the Tyrrhenian Coast (Central Italy): depositional environments and luminescence chronology
B Mauz
Quaternary Science Reviews 18 (10-11), 1173-1184, 1999
Asynchronous Holocene colluvial and alluvial aggradation: A matter of hydrosedimentary connectivity
P Houben, M Schmidt, B Mauz, A Stobbe, A Lang
The Holocene 23 (4), 544-555, 2013
Reconstruction of late-Holocene slope and dry valley sediment dynamics in a Belgian loess environment
T Rommens, G Verstraeten, I Peeters, J Poesen, G Govers, ...
The Holocene 17 (6), 777-788, 2007
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مقالات 1–20