Dénes Schmera
Dénes Schmera
HUN-REN Balaton Limnological Research Institute
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A new conceptual and methodological framework for exploring and explaining pattern in presence–absence data
J Podani, D Schmera
Oikos 120 (11), 1625-1638, 2011
On dendrogram‐based measures of functional diversity
J Podani, D Schmera
Oikos 115 (1), 179-185, 2006
Partitioning taxon, phylogenetic and functional beta diversity into replacement and richness difference components
P Cardoso, F Rigal, JC Carvalho, M Fortelius, PAV Borges, J Podani, ...
Journal of Biogeography 41 (4), 749-761, 2014
Functional diversity: a review of methodology and current knowledge in freshwater macroinvertebrate research
D Schmera, J Heino, J Podani, T Erős, S Dolédec
Hydrobiologia 787, 27-44, 2017
Measuring fractions of beta diversity and their relationships to nestedness: a theoretical and empirical comparison of novel approaches
JC Carvalho, P Cardoso, PAV Borges, D Schmera, J Podani
Oikos 122 (6), 825-834, 2013
A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levels
J Heino, AS Melo, LM Bini, F Altermatt, SA Al‐Shami, DG Angeler, ...
Ecology and evolution 5 (6), 1235-1248, 2015
Network thinking in riverscape conservation–a graph-based approach
T Erős, D Schmera, RS Schick
Biological Conservation 144 (1), 184-192, 2011
Characterizing connectivity relationships in freshwaters using patch-based graphs
T Erős, JD Olden, RS Schick, D Schmera, MJ Fortin
Landscape ecology 27, 303-317, 2012
A general framework for analyzing beta diversity, nestedness and related community-level phenomena based on abundance data
J Podani, C Ricotta, D Schmera
Ecological complexity 15, 52-61, 2013
A macroecological perspective of trait patterns in stream communities
J Heino, D Schmera, T Erős
Freshwater Biology 58 (8), 1539-1555, 2013
Does isolation influence the relative role of environmental and dispersal‐related processes in stream networks? An empirical test of the network position hypothesis using …
D Schmera, D Árva, P Boda, E Bódis, Á Bolgovics, G Borics, A Csercsa, ...
Freshwater Biology 63 (1), 74-85, 2018
Importance of visual and chemical cues in the development of an attractant trap for Epicometis (Tropinota) hirta Poda (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
D Schmera, M Tóth, M Subchev, I Sredkov, I Szarukán, T Jermy, ...
Crop Protection 23 (10), 939-944, 2004
A measure for assessing functional diversity in ecological communities
D Schmera, T Erős, J Podani
Aquatic Ecology 43, 157-167, 2009
Characterising functional trait diversity and trait–environment relationships in fish assemblages of boreal lakes
T Erős, J Heino, D Schmera, M Rask
Freshwater Biology 54 (8), 1788-1803, 2009
The effect of urbanization on freshwater macroinvertebrates–knowledge gaps and future research directions
B Gál, I Szivák, J Heino, D Schmera
Ecological indicators 104, 357-364, 2019
A proposed unified terminology of species traits in stream ecology
D Schmera, J Podani, J Heino, T Erős, NLR Poff
Freshwater Science 34 (3), 823-830, 2015
Comparison of fish assemblage diversity in natural and artificial rip‐rap habitats in the littoral zone of a large river (River Danube, Hungary)
T Erős, B Tóth, A Sevcsik, D Schmera
International Review of Hydrobiology 93 (1), 88-105, 2008
Predicting beta diversity of terrestrial and aquatic beetles using ecogeographical variables: insights from the replacement and richness difference components
J Heino, J Alahuhta, S Fattorini, D Schmera
Journal of Biogeography 46 (2), 304-315, 2019
Quantifying temporal variability in the metacommunity structure of stream fishes: the influence of non-native species and environmental drivers
T Erős, P Sály, P Takács, CL Higgins, P Bíró, D Schmera
Hydrobiologia 722, 31-43, 2014
Optimization of a chemical attractant for Epicometis (Tropinota) hirta Poda
M Toth, D Schmera, Z Imrei
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 59 (3-4), 288-292, 2004
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مقالات 1–20