José Carlos de Melo Vieira Júnior
José Carlos de Melo Vieira Júnior
Professor do Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - Universidade de São Paulo
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Comparative analysis between synchronous and induction machines for distributed generation applications
W Freitas, JCM Vieira, A Morelato, LCP Da Silva, VF Da Costa, ...
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on 21 (1), 301-311, 2006
Fault location in distribution systems based on smart feeder meters
FCL Trindade, W Freitas, JCM Vieira
Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 29 (1), 251-260, 2014
Performance of frequency relays for distributed generation protection
JCM Vieira, W Freitas, W Xu, A Morelato
Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 21 (3), 1120-1127, 2006
Efficient coordination of ROCOF and frequency relays for distributed generation protection by using the application region
JCM Vieira, W Freitas, W Xu, A Morelato
Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 21 (4), 1878-1884, 2006
Design of protection schemes for multi-terminal HVDC systems
S Le Blond, R Bertho, DV Coury, JCM Vieira
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56, 965-974, 2016
An investigation on the nondetection zones of synchronous distributed generation anti-islanding protection
JCM Vieira, W Freitas, W Xu, A Morelato
Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 23 (2), 593-600, 2008
Formulas for predicting the dynamic performance of ROCOF relays for embedded generation applications
JCM Vieira, W Freitas, Z Huang, W Xu, A Morelato
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 153 (4), 399-406, 2006
Influence of excitation system control modes on the allowable penetration level of distributed synchronous generators
W Freitas, JCM Vieira, A Morelato, W Xu
Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on 20 (2), 474-480, 2005
A new artificial neural network based method for islanding detection of distributed generators
VL Merlin, RC Santos, AP Grilo, JCM Vieira, DV Coury, M Oleskovicz
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 75, 139-151, 2016
Utility Harmonic Impedance Measurement Based on Data Selection
J Hui, W Freitas, JCM Vieira, H Yang, Y Liu
Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 27 (4), 2193-2202, 2012
Phase-decoupled method for three-phase power-flow analysis of unbalanced distribution systems
JCM Vieira Jr, W Freitas, A Morelato
Generation, Transmission and Distribution, IEE Proceedings- 151 (5), 568-574, 2004
Selective non-unit Protection Technique for Multiterminal VSC-HVDC Grids
RB Junior, VA Lacerda, RM Monaro, JCM Vieira, DV Coury
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2017
Performance curves of voltage relays for islanding detection of distributed generators
JCM Vieira, DS Correa, W Freitas, W Xu
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on 20 (3), 1660-1662, 2005
Investigation on voltage sags caused by DG anti-islanding protection
FCL Trindade, KV do Nascimento, JC Vieira
Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 28 (2), 972-980, 2013
Investigation on voltage sags caused by DG anti-islanding protection
FCL Trindade, KV do Nascimento, J Vieira
IEEE transactions on power delivery 28 (2), 972-980, 2013
A Practical Method for Nondetection Zone Estimation of Passive Anti-Islanding Schemes Applied to Synchronous Distributed Generators
D Salles, W Freitas, J Vieira, B Venkatesh
High impedance fault detection based on harmonic energy variation via S-transform
GN Lopes, TS Menezes, GG Santos, L Trondoli, JCM Vieira
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 136, 107681, 2022
Load flow-based method for nontechnical electrical loss detection and location in distribution systems using smart meters
TSD Ferreira, FCL Trindade, JCM Vieira
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (5), 3671-3681, 2020
Hardware implementation and real time evaluation of an ANN-based algorithm for anti-islanding protection of distributed generators
NB Hartmann, RC Santos, AP Grilo, JC de Melo Vieira
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 1-1, 2018
Improving the islanding detection performance of passive protection by using the undervoltage block function
D Motter, JCM Vieira
Electric Power Systems Research 184, 106293, 2020
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مقالات 1–20