Prabuddha De
Prabuddha De
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Wisdom of crowds: The value of stock opinions transmitted through social media
H Chen, P De, Y Hu, BH Hwang
The review of financial studies 27 (5), 1367-1403, 2014
The discrete time-cost tradeoff problem revisited
P De, EJ Dunne, JB Ghosh, CE Wells
European journal of operational research 81 (2), 225-238, 1995
Complexity of the discrete time-cost tradeoff problem for project networks
P De, EJ Dunne, JB Ghosh, CE Wells
Operations research 45 (2), 302-306, 1997
IT-enabled broadcasting in social media: An empirical study of artists’ activities and music sales
H Chen, P De, YJ Hu
Information Systems Research 26 (3), 513-531, 2015
On the minimization of completion time variance with a bicriteria extension
P De, JB Ghosh, CE Wells
Operations Research 40 (6), 1148-1155, 1992
Technology usage and online sales: An empirical study
P De, Y Hu, MS Rahman
Management Science 56 (11), 1930-1945, 2010
Research Note—Continued Participation in Online Innovation Communities: Does Community Response Matter Equally for Everyone?
C Zhang, J Hahn, P De
Information Systems Research 24 (4), 1112-1130, 2013
Comprehending object and process models: An empirical study
R Agarwal, P De, AP Sinha
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 25 (4), 541-556, 1999
A distance-based approach to entity reconciliation in heterogeneous databases
D Dey, S Sarkar, P De
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 14 (3), 567-582, 2002
A probabilistic decision model for entity matching in heterogeneous databases
D Dey, S Sarkar, P De
Management science 44 (10), 1379-1395, 1998
Customers as advisors: The role of social media in financial markets
H Chen, P De, YJ Hu, BH Hwang
Working paper, Available at SSRN: http://ssrn. com/abstract, 2011
Achieving success in large projects: Implications from a study of ERP implementations
TW Ferratt, S Ahire, P De
Interfaces 36 (5), 458-469, 2006
An experimental investigation of turnover intentions among new entrants in IT
R Agarwal, TW Ferratt, P De
Acm Sigmis Database: The Database for Advances in Information Systems 38 (1 …, 2007
Scheduling to minimize makespan on unequal parallel processors
P De, TE Morton
Decision Sciences 11 (4), 586-602, 1980
Locating concentrators for primary and secondary coverage in a computer communications network
H Pirkul, S Narasimhan, P De
IEEE Transactions on Communications 36 (4), 450-458, 1988
On the usability of OO representations
R Agarwal, P De, AP Sinha, M Tanniru
Communications of the ACM 43 (10), 83-89, 2000
Due‐date assignment and early/tardy scheduling on identical parallel machines
P De, JB Ghosh, CE Wells
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 41 (1), 17-32, 1994
Scheduling to minimize weighted earliness and tardiness about a common due-date
P De, JB Ghosh, CE Wells
Computers & operations research 18 (5), 465-475, 1991
Optimal delivery time quotation and order sequencing
P De, JB Ghosh, CE Wells
Decision Sciences 22 (2), 379-390, 1991
Applying machine learning to model management in decision support systems
MJ Shaw, PL Tu, P De
Decision Support Systems 4 (3), 285-305, 1988
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20