E Nederhoff
E Nederhoff
Crophouse Ltd, New Zealand
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effects of CO2 concentration on photosynthesis, transpiration and production of greenhouse fruit vegetable crops
EM Nederhoff
PQDT-Global, 1994
Photosynthesis of stands of tomato, cucumber and sweet pepper measured in greenhouses under various CO2-concentrations
EM Nederhoff, JG Vegter
Annals of Botany 73 (4), 353-361, 1994
A practical tracer gas method to determine ventilation in greenhouses
EM Nederhoff, J Van de Vooren, AJU Ten Cate
Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 31 (4), 309-319, 1985
Water use efficiency of tomatoes
E Nederhoff, C Stanghellini
Practical Hydroponics and Greenhouses, 52-59, 2010
Effects of CO2 on leaf conductance and canopy transpiration of greenhouse grown cucumber and tomato
EM Nederhoff, R De Graaf
Journal of Horticultural Science 68 (6), 925-937, 1993
Leaf conductance and rate of crop transpiration of greenhouse grown sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) as affected by carbon dioxide
EM Nederhoff, AA Rijsdijk, R De Graaf
Scientia Horticulturae 52 (4), 283-301, 1992
Canopy photosynthesis of tomato, cucumber and sweet pepper in greenhouses: measurements compared to models
EM Nederhoff, JG Vegter
Annals of Botany 73 (4), 421-427, 1994
Greenhouse climate control in the nineties
H Challa, EM Nederhoff, GPA Bot, NJ van de Braak
Symposium on High Technology in Protected Cultivation 230, 459-470, 1988
Leaf deformation and fruit production of glasshouse grown tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) as affected by C02, plant density and pruning
EM Nederhoff, ANM De Koning, AA Rijsdijk
Journal of Horticultural Science 67 (3), 411-420, 1992
Dynamic optimization of the CO2 concentration in greenhouses: an experiment with cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
EM Nederhoff
Symposium on Biological Aspects of Energy Saving in Protected Cultivation …, 1987
Light interception of a cucumber crop at different stages of growth
EM Nederhoff
III International Symposium on Energy in Protected Cultivation 148, 525-534, 1983
Technical aspects, management and control OF CO2 enrichment in greenhouses-refereed paper
EM Nederhoff
IV International Symposium on CO2 in Protected Cultivation 268, 127-138, 1989
Effects of different day/night conductivities on blossom-end rot, quality and production of greenhouse tomatoes
E Nederhoff
International Symposium on Growing Media and Hydroponics 481, 495-502, 1997
Simulation of greenhouse crop photosynthesis: validation with cucumber, sweet pepper and tomato
H Gijzen, JG Vegter, EM Nederhoff
IV International Symposium on CO2 in Protected Cultivation 268, 71-80, 1989
Effects of continuous and intermittent carbon dioxide enrichment on fruit set and yield of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.).
EM Nederhoff, JAM Van Uffelen
Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 36 (3), 209-217, 1988
Methods and instruments for ventilation rate measurements
M Goedhart, EM Nederhoff, AJ Udink ten Cate, GPA Bot
III International Symposium on Energy in Protected Cultivation 148, 393-400, 1983
Dynamic model for greenhouse crop photosynthesis: Validation by measurements and application for CO2 optimization
EM Nederhoff, H Gijzen, JG Vegter, AA Rijsdijk
International Symposium on Growth and Yield Control in Vegetable Production …, 1989
Effects of environmental conditions on growth and production of cucumber; comparison between empirical and simulation data.
EM Nederhoff, A Schapendonk
Symposium Greenhouse Climate and its Control 174, 251-258, 1985
Effects of CO2 on greenhouse grown eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) I. Leaf conductance
EM Nederhoff
Journal of horticultural science 67 (6), 795-803, 1992
A dynamic simulation model for greenhouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.): validation of the submodel for crop photosynthesis
EM Nederhoff, H Gijzen, J Vegter
International Symposium on Models for Plant Growth, Environmental Control …, 1988
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مقالات 1–20