Md Elias Uddin
Md Elias Uddin
Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uconn.edu - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Invited Review: Emission and mitigation of greenhouse gases from dairy farms: The cow, the manure and the field
MA Wattiaux, ME Uddin, P Letelier, RD Jackson, RA Larson
Applied Animal Science 35 (2), 238-254, 2019
Isolation and characterization of dominant lactic acid bacteria from raw goat milk: Assessment of probiotic potential and technological properties
MZ Islam, ME Uddin, MT Rahman, MA Islam, R MH
Small Ruminant Research, 2021
Review: Impact of food and climate change on pastoral industries
ME Uddin, E Kebreab
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2020
Carbon footprint of milk from Holstein and Jersey cows fed low or high forage diet with alfalfa silage or corn silage as the main forage source
ME Uddin, HA Aguirre-Villegas, RA Larson, MA Wattiaux
Journal of Cleaner Production 298, 126720, 2021
Enteric methane, lactation performances, digestibility, and metabolism of nitrogen and energy of Holsteins and Jerseys fed 2 levels of forage fiber from alfalfa silage or corn …
ME Uddin, OI Santana, KA Weigel, MA Wattiaux
Journal of Dairy Science 103 (7), 6087-6099, 2020
Effect of heat stress on milk production and its composition of Holstein Friesian crossbred dairy cows
M Al Reyad, MAH Sarker, ME Uddin, R Habib, MHU Rashid
Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 2 (2), 190-195, 2016
Effects of dairy cow breed and dietary forage on greenhouse gas emissions from manure during storage and after field application
ME Uddin, H A., RA Larson, MA Wattiaux
Journal of Cleaner Production 270, 122461, 2020
Impact of nitrate and 3-nitrooxypropanol on the carbon footprint of milk produced in confined feeding systems across regions in the United States: A life cycle analysis
ME Uddin, JM Tricarico, E Kebreab
Journal of Dairy Science 105, 2022
Evaluating growth response of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with synthetic DL-methionine or DL-hydroxy methionine: A meta-analysis
ME Uddin, H van Lingen, PG da Silva-Pires, DI Batonon-Alavo, ...
Poultry Science, 2022
Effect of methionine supplementation on the growth performance of rabbit
S Yesmin, ME Uddin, R Chacrabati, M Al-Mamun
Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 42 (1), 40-43, 2013
Effect of supplementation of fish meal on growth and reproductive performance of crossbred heifers
MS Alam, MH Rashid, ME Uddin, M Asaduzzaman
Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University 10 (2), 261-266, 2012
Effect of source and level of forage in the diet on in-vitro ammonia emission from manure of Holstein and Jersey dairy cows
ME Uddin, MA Wattiaux
JDS Communications 2 (1), 16-20, 2021
Metabolites in the milk of buffalo, Holstein cross, indigenous and Red Chittagong cattle of Bangladesh
MA Islam, ME Uddin, R Jahan, A Wadud, MM Sarkar
Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 42 (2), 152-157, 2013
Supplementary materials-Impact of nitrate and 3-nitrooxypropanol on the carbon footprint of milk from cattle produced in confined-feeding systems across regions in the United …
ME Uddin, JM Tricarico, E Kebreab
Mendeley Data, 2022
Supplementation of isoacids on feeding behaviors and enteric methane emissions of lactating cows fed diets at varying forage fiber level
MRA Redoy, S Ahmed, M Bulnes, DH Kleinschmit, ME Uddin
ADSA Meeting-2023, J. Dairy Sci. 106 (Suppl 1), 379, 2023
Response to Letter to the Editor titled: Issues with a meta-analysis assessing the efficacy of different sources of methionine supplementation by A. Lemme and HP Piepho
ME Uddin, DI Batonon-Alavo, F Rouffineau, E Kebreab
Poultry science 101 (10), 102118, 2022
Evaluation of breed and diet on partial carbon footprint of milk produced in conventional system of Wisconsin
ME Uddin
The University of Wisconsin Madison, 2019
Supplementation of isoacids to lactating dairy cows fed low-or high-forage diets: Effects on performance, digestibility, and milk fatty acid profile
MRA Redoy, S Ahmed, JB Urbina, DH Kleinschmit, MT Socha, P Salunke, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 108 (2), 1408-1418, 2025
Adjusting for heterogeneity of experimental data in genetic evaluation of dry matter intake in dairy cattle
ME Uddin, T Meuwissen, RF Veerkamp
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 135 (1), 28-36, 2018
Isoacid supplementation influences feed sorting, chewing behaviors, and enteric methane emissions differentially in mid-lactation dairy cows depending on dietary forage level
MRA Redoy, S Ahmed, M Bulnes, DH Kleinschmit, ME Uddin
Journal of Dairy Science 108 (2), 1419-1430, 2025
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مقالات 1–20