Dimitris Vlassopoulos
Dimitris Vlassopoulos
FORTH, Univ. of Crete
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Unexpected power-law stress relaxation of entangled ring polymers
M Kapnistos, M Lang, D Vlassopoulos, W Pyckhout-Hintzen, D Richter, ...
Nature materials 7 (12), 997-1002, 2008
Yielding behavior of repulsion-and attraction-dominated colloidal glasses
KN Pham, G Petekidis, D Vlassopoulos, SU Egelhaaf, WCK Poon, ...
Journal of Rheology 52 (2), 649-676, 2008
A sequence of physical processes determined and quantified in LAOS: Application to a yield stress fluid
SA Rogers, BM Erwin, D Vlassopoulos, M Cloitre
Journal of Rheology 55 (2), 435-458, 2011
Crossover from the rouse to the entangled polymer melt regime: signals from long, detailed atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, supported by rheological experiments
VA Harmandaris, VG Mavrantzas, DN Theodorou, M Kröger, J Ramirez, ...
Macromolecules 36 (4), 1376-1387, 2003
Tunable rheology of dense soft deformable colloids
D Vlassopoulos, M Cloitre
Current opinion in colloid & interface science 19 (6), 561-574, 2014
Linear rheology of architecturally complex macromolecules: Comb polymers with linear backbones
M Kapnistos, D Vlassopoulos, J Roovers, LG Leal
Macromolecules 38 (18), 7852-7862, 2005
Multiarm star polymers dynamics
D Vlassopoulos, G Fytas, T Pakula, J Roovers
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (41), R855, 2001
Network dynamics in nanofilled polymers
GP Baeza, C Dessi, S Costanzo, D Zhao, S Gong, A Alegria, RH Colby, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11368, 2016
Yielding of colloidal glasses
KN Pham, G Petekidis, D Vlassopoulos, SU Egelhaaf, PN Pusey, ...
Europhysics letters 75 (4), 624, 2006
Rheology of a lower critical solution temperature binary polymer blend in the homogeneous, phase-separated, and transitional regimes
M Kapnistos, A Hinrichs, D Vlassopoulos, SH Anastasiadis, A Stammer, ...
Macromolecules 29 (22), 7155-7163, 1996
Structure and dynamics of melts of multiarm polymer stars
T Pakula, D Vlassopoulos, G Fytas, J Roovers
Macromolecules 31 (25), 8931-8940, 1998
Shear and extensional rheology of polystyrene melts and solutions with the same number of entanglements
S Costanzo, Q Huang, G Ianniruberto, G Marrucci, O Hassager, ...
Macromolecules 49 (10), 3925-3935, 2016
Yielding and flow of sheared colloidal glasses
G Petekidis, D Vlassopoulos, PN Pusey
Journal of physics: Condensed matter 16 (38), S3955, 2004
Effect of maleic anhydride content on the rheology and phase behavior of poly (styrene-co-maleic anhydride)/poly (methyl methacrylate) blends
D Chopra, M Kontopoulou, D Vlassopoulos, SG Hatzikiriakos
Rheologica acta 41, 10-24, 2002
Viscosity of ring polymer melts
R Pasquino, TC Vasilakopoulos, YC Jeong, H Lee, S Rogers, ...
ACS macro letters 2 (10), 874-878, 2013
Dynamics and rheology of colloidal star polymers
BM Erwin, M Cloitre, M Gauthier, D Vlassopoulos
Soft Matter 6 (12), 2825-2833, 2010
Asymmetric caging in soft colloidal mixtures
C Mayer, E Zaccarelli, E Stiakakis, CN Likos, F Sciortino, A Munam, ...
Nature materials 7 (10), 780-784, 2008
Aging, yielding, and shear banding in soft colloidal glasses
SA Rogers, D Vlassopoulos, PT Callaghan
Physical review letters 100 (12), 128304, 2008
Yielding and flow of colloidal glasses
G Petekidis, D Vlassopoulos, PN Pusey
Faraday discussions 123, 287-302, 2003
Probing collective motions of terminally anchored polymers
G Fytas, SH Anastasiadis, R Seghrouchni, D Vlassopoulos, J Li, BJ Factor, ...
Science 274 (5295), 2041-2044, 1996
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20