Jeffrey D. Michler
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 in low-income countries
A Josephson, T Kilic, JD Michler
Nature Human Behaviour 5 (5), 557-565, 2021
Conservation agriculture and climate resilience
JD Michler, K Baylis, M Arends-Kuenning, K Mazvimavi
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 93, 148-169, 2019
To specialize or diversify: Agricultural diversity and poverty dynamics in Ethiopia
JD Michler, AL Josephson
World Development 89, 214-226, 2017
Welfare impacts of improved chickpea adoption: A pathway for rural development in Ethiopia?
S Verkaart, BG Munyua, K Mausch, JD Michler
Food Policy 66, 50-61, 2017
Money matters: The role of yields and profits in agricultural technology adoption
JD Michler, E Tjernström, S Verkaart, K Mausch
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101 (3), 710-731, 2019
Contract farming and rural transformation: Evidence from a field experiment in Benin
A Arouna, JD Michler, JC Lokossou
Journal of Development Economics 151, 102626, 2021
One size fits all? Experimental evidence on the digital delivery of personalized extension advice in Nigeria
A Arouna, JD Michler, W Yergo, K Saito
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103 (2), 596-619, 2020
Land tenure, tenure security and farm efficiency: Panel evidence from the Philippines
JD Michler, GE Shively
Journal of Agricultural Economics 66 (1), 155-169, 2015
Relational contracts in agriculture: theory and evidence
JD Michler, SY Wu
Annual Review of Resource Economics 12 (1), 111-127, 2020
Foreign geographical indications, consumer preferences, and the domestic market for cheese
P Slade, JD Michler, A Josephson
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 41 (3), 370-390, 2019
Food insecurity during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in four African countries
L Rudin-Rush, JD Michler, A Josephson, JR Bloem
Food Policy 111, 102306, 2022
Privacy protection, measurement error, and the integration of remote sensing and socioeconomic survey data
JD Michler, A Josephson, T Kilic, S Murray
Journal of Development Economics 158, 102927, 2022
Agriculture in the process of development: A micro-perspective
JD Michler
World Development 129, 104888, 2020
The evolving socioeconomic impacts of Covid-19 in four African countries
A Furbush, A Josephson, T Kilic, JD Michler
Shaping Africa’s Post-Covid Recovery, 97-116, 2021
Risk, crop yields, and weather index insurance in village India
JD Michler, FG Viens, GE Shively
Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 1 (1), 61-81, 2022
Ulysses' pact or Ulysses' raft: Using pre‐analysis plans in experimental and nonexperimental research
SA Janzen, JD Michler
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43 (4), 1286-1304, 2020
Estimating the Impact of Weather on Agriculture
JD Michler, A Josephson, T Kilic, S Murray
Policy Research Working Paper; No. 9867, 2021
Fitting and interpreting correlated random-coefficient models using Stata
OB Cabanillas, JD Michler, A Michuda, E Tjernström
The Stata Journal 18 (1), 159-173, 2018
Research ethics beyond the IRB: Selection bias and the direction of innovation in applied economics
JD Michler, WA Masters, A Josephson
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43 (4), 1352-1365, 2021
Governance and contract choice: Theory and evidence from groundwater irrigation markets
JD Michler, SY Wu
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 180, 129-147, 2020
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مقالات 1–20