Ron Smith
Ron Smith
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Pooled mean group estimation of dynamic heterogeneous panels
MH Pesaran, Y Shin, RP Smith
Journal of the American statistical Association 94 (446), 621-634, 1999
Estimating long-run relationships from dynamic heterogeneous panels
MH Pesaran, R Smith
Journal of econometrics 68 (1), 79-113, 1995
Growth and convergence in a multi‐country empirical stochastic Solow model
K Lee, MH Pesaran, R Smith
Journal of applied Econometrics 12 (4), 357-392, 1997
Structural analysis of cointegrating VARs
MH Pesaran, RP Smith
Journal of economic surveys 12 (5), 471-505, 1998
Military expenditure and growth in less developed countries
S Deger, R Smith
Journal of conflict resolution 27 (2), 335-353, 1983
Models of military expenditure and growth: A critical review
JP Dunne, RP Smith, D Willenbockel
Defence and peace economics 16 (6), 449-461, 2005
Capabilities and well-being: evidence based on the Sen–Nussbaum approach to welfare
P Anand, G Hunter, R Smith
Social Indicators Research 74, 9-55, 2005
The English football industry: profit, performance and industrial structure
S Szymanski, R Smith
International review of applied economics 11 (1), 135-153, 1997
Military expenditure and capitalism
RP Smith
Cambridge Journal of Economics 1 (1), 61-76, 1977
Demographic structure and macroeconomic trends
Y Aksoy, HS Basso, RP Smith, T Grasl
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 11 (1), 193-222, 2019
The Phillips curve, the persistence of inflation, and the Lucas critique: Evidence from exchange-rate regimes
GS Alogoskoufis, R Smith
The American Economic Review, 1254-1275, 1991
Real exchange rate effects on the balance of trade: cointegration and the Marshall–Lerner condition
D Boyd, GM Caporale, R Smith
International Journal of Finance & Economics 6 (3), 187-200, 2001
Current account solvency and the Feldstein--Horioka puzzle
J Coakley, F Kulasi, R Smith
The Economic Journal 106 (436), 620-627, 1996
Military expenditure and investment in OECD countries, 1954–1973
RP Smith
Journal of comparative economics 4 (1), 19-32, 1980
The Feldstein–Horioka puzzle and capital mobility: a review
J Coakley, F Kulasi, R Smith
International Journal of Finance & Economics 3 (2), 169-188, 1998
Dynamic linear models for heterogenous panels
H Pesaran, R Smith, KS Im
The econometrics of panel data: a handbook of the theory with applications …, 1996
Growth empirics: a panel data approach—a comment
K Lee, MH Pesaran, R Smith
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 113 (1), 319-323, 1998
On error correction models: specification, interpretation, estimation
G Alogoskoufis, R Smith
Journal of economic surveys 5 (1), 97-128, 1991
Unobserved heterogeneity in panel time series models
J Coakley, AM Fuertes, R Smith
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 50 (9), 2361-2380, 2006
The demand for military expenditure
RP Smith
The Economic Journal 90 (360), 811-820, 1980
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مقالات 1–20