Michael Kolbe
Michael Kolbe
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Reference-free total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis of semiconductor surfaces with synchrotron radiation
B Beckhoff, R Fliegauf, M Kolbe, M Müller, J Weser, G Ulm
Analytical chemistry 79 (20), 7873-7882, 2007
A new 28Si single crystal: counting the atoms for the new kilogram definition
G Bartl, P Becker, B Beckhoff, H Bettin, E Beyer, M Borys, I Busch, L Cibik, ...
Metrologia 54 (5), 693, 2017
Thickness determination for Cu and Ni nanolayers: Comparison of completely reference-free fundamental parameter-based X-ray fluorescence analysis and X-ray reflectometry
M Kolbe, B Beckhoff, M Krumrey, G Ulm
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 60 (4), 505-510, 2005
Experimental search for the low-energy nuclear transition in 229Th with undulator radiation
A Yamaguchi, M Kolbe, H Kaser, T Reichel, A Gottwald, E Peik
New Journal of Physics 17 (5), 053053, 2015
Depth profile characterization of ultra shallow junction implants
P Hönicke, B Beckhoff, M Kolbe, D Giubertoni, J van den Berg, G Pepponi
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 396, 2825-2832, 2010
-subshell fluorescence yields and Coster-Kronig transition probabilities with a reliable uncertainty budget for selected high- and medium- elements
M Kolbe, P Hönicke, M Müller, B Beckhoff
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (4), 042512, 2012
Attempt to optically excite the nuclear isomer in
S Stellmer, G Kazakov, M Schreitl, H Kaser, M Kolbe, T Schumm
Physical Review A 97 (6), 062506, 2018
Experimental Verification of the Individual Energy Dependencies of the Partial -Shell Photoionization Cross Sections of Pd and Mo
P Hönicke, M Kolbe, M Müller, M Mantler, M Krämer, B Beckhoff
Physical Review Letters 113 (16), 163001, 2014
Evaluation of high-resolution X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy for the chemical speciation of binary titanium compounds
F Reinhardt, B Beckhoff, H Eba, B Kanngiesser, M Kolbe, M Mizusawa, ...
Analytical chemistry 81 (5), 1770-1776, 2009
Fundamental parameters of Zr and Ti for a reliable quantitative X‐ray fluorescence analysis
M Kolbe, P Hönicke
X‐Ray Spectrometry 44 (4), 217-220, 2015
Atomic layer deposition of high-κ dielectrics on sulphur-passivated germanium
S Sioncke, HC Lin, G Brammertz, A Delabie, T Conard, A Franquet, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 158 (7), H687, 2011
Detector calibration and measurement of fundamental parameters for X-ray spectrometry
F Scholze, B Beckhoff, M Kolbe, M Krumrey, M Müller, G Ulm
Microchimica Acta 155, 275-278, 2006
Determination of optical constants of thin films in the EUV
R Ciesielski, Q Saadeh, V Philipsen, K Opsomer, JP Soulié, M Wu, ...
Applied Optics 61 (8), 2060-2078, 2022
Experimental determination of the oxygen K-shell fluorescence yield using thin SiO2 and Al2O3 foils
P Hönicke, M Kolbe, M Krumrey, R Unterumsberger, B Beckhoff
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 124, 94-98, 2016
Reference-free quantification of particle-like surface contaminations by grazing incidence X-ray fluorescence analysis
F Reinhardt, J Osán, S Török, AE Pap, M Kolbe, B Beckhoff
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 27 (2), 248-255, 2012
A synchrotron-radiation-based variable angle ellipsometer for the visible to vacuum ultraviolet spectral range
MD Neumann, C Cobet, H Kaser, M Kolbe, A Gottwald, M Richter, N Esser
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (5), 2014
Cascade -shell soft-x-ray emission as incident x-ray photons are tuned across the ionization threshold
D Sokaras, AG Kochur, M Mueller, M Kolbe, B Beckhoff, M Mantler, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 052511, 2011
What are the correct L‐subshell photoionization cross sections for quantitative X‐ray spectroscopy?
P Hönicke, M Kolbe, B Beckhoff
X‐Ray Spectrometry 45 (4), 207-211, 2016
Towards passivation of Ge (100) surfaces by sulfur adsorption from a (NH4) 2S solution: A combined NEXAFS, STM and LEED study
C Fleischmann, S Sioncke, S Couet, K Schouteden, B Beckhoff, M Müller, ...
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 158 (5), H589, 2011
Resonant Raman scattering of polarized and unpolarized x-ray radiation from Mg, Al, and Si
D Sokaras, M Müller, M Kolbe, B Beckhoff, C Zarkadas, AG Karydas
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (1), 012703, 2010
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مقالات 1–20