hiren patel
hiren patel
Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engg., Sarvajanik College of Engg. & Tech., Surat
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على scet.ac.in
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
MATLAB-based modeling to study the effects of partial shading on PV array characteristics
H Patel, V Agarwal
IEEE transactions on energy conversion 23 (1), 302-310, 2008
Maximum power point tracking scheme for PV systems operating under partially shaded conditions
H Patel, V Agarwal
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 55 (4), 1689-1698, 2008
A single-stage single-phase transformer-less doubly grounded grid-connected PV interface
H Patel, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 24 (1), 93-101, 2009
MPPT scheme for a PV-fed single-phase single-stage grid-connected inverter operating in CCM with only one current sensor
H Patel, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 24 (1), 256-263, 2009
Investigations into the performance of photovoltaics-based active filter configurations and their control schemes under uniform and non-uniform radiation conditions
H Patel, V Agarwal
IET Renewable Power Generation 4 (1), 12-22, 2010
Control of a stand-alone inverter-based distributed generation source for voltage regulation and harmonic compensation
H Patel, V Agarwal
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 23 (2), 1113-1120, 2008
Left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy
DP Singh, MS Horenstein, P Rout, H Patel
StatPearls [Internet], 2024
Current controlled buck converter based photovoltaic emulator
AV Rana, HH Patel
Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information Vol 1 (2), 2013
Modified dual second-order generalised integrator FLL for synchronization of a distributed generator to a weak grid
KR Patil, HH Patel
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical …, 2016
Modified SOGI based shunt active power filter to tackle various grid voltage abnormalities
K Patil, HH Patel
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (5), 1466-1474, 2017
PV Based Distributed Generation with Compensation Feature Under Unbalanced and Non-linear Load Conditions for a 3-ϕ, 4 Wire System
H Patel, V Agarwal
2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 322-327, 2006
Modified Droop Control Scheme for Load Sharing Amongst Inverters in a Micro-Grid
UN Patel, D Gondalia, H Patel
Advances in Energy Research 3 (2), 81-95, 2015
Performance of shunt active power filter with DSOGI-FLL Under distorted grid voltage
KR Patil, HH Patel
2017 Second International Conference on Electrical, Computer and …, 2017
Modified dual second-order generalized integrator FLL for frequency estimation under various grid abnormalities
KR Patil, HH Patel
Transactions on Environment and Electrical Engineering 1, 2016
Dynamic droop control method for islanded photovoltaic based microgrid for active and reactive power control with effective utilization of distributed generators
UN Patel, HH Patel
Int. J. Renew. Energy Res 9 (2), 1077-1088, 2019
Implementing two stage hybrid state estimation with various approaches
N Rathod, H Patel, S Joshi
2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES), 627-632, 2020
Maximizing power output of a partially shaded total-cross-tied photovoltaic array
NS Shah, HH Patel
Transactions on environment and electrical engineering 2 (1), 10-18, 2017
Post Infarct Ventricular Septal Rupture
K Mahajan, N Shah, H Patel
StatPearls [Internet], 2021
An effective power management strategy for photovoltaic based distributed generation
UN Patel, HH Patel
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical …, 2016
Enhancing output power of pv array operating under non-uniform conditions
NS Shah, HH Patel
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical …, 2016
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مقالات 1–20