Albert Busquets Faciabén
Albert Busquets Faciabén
Institut Nacional d'Educació Física de Catalunya, Universitat de Barcelona
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Validity and reliability of the Kinovea program in obtaining angles and distances using coordinates in 4 perspectives
A Puig-Diví, C Escalona-Marfil, JM Padullés-Riu, A Busquets, ...
PloS one 14 (6), e0216448, 2019
Can exercise shape your brain? A review of aerobic exercise effects on cognitive function and neuro-physiological underpinning mechanisms
B Ferrer-Uris, MA Ramos, A Busquets, R Angulo-Barroso
AIMS neuroscience 9 (2), 150, 2022
Enhancing consolidation of a rotational visuomotor adaptation task through acute exercise
B Ferrer-Uris, A Busquets, V Lopez-Alonso, M Fernandez-del-Olmo, ...
PloS one 12 (4), e0175296, 2017
Talla, peso, somatotipo y composición corporal en gimnastas de élite españolas (gimnasia rítmica) desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta.
AI AmIgó, VP Sala, AB Faciabén, MM Evrard, MC Marginet, LR Zamora
Apunts. Educación física y deportes 1 (95), 64-74, 2009
Talla, peso, somatotipo y composición corporal en gimnastas de elite españoles desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta
AI Amigó, AB Faciabén, MM Evrard, PAG Ballarini, MC Marginet
Apunts. Medicina de l'Esport 44 (161), 18-28, 2009
Differing roles of functional movement variability as experience increases in gymnastics
A Busquets, M Marina, K Davids, R Angulo-Barroso
Journal of sports science & medicine 15 (2), 268, 2016
A metronome for controlling the mean velocity during the bench press exercise
G Moras, S Rodríguez-Jiménez, A Busquets, J Tous-Fajardo, M Pozzo, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 23 (3), 926-931, 2009
Age and gymnastic experience effects on sensory reweighting processes during quiet stand
A Busquets, S Aranda-Garcia, B Ferrer-Uris, M Marina, R Angulo-Barroso
Gait & posture 63, 177-183, 2018
Comparison of an intermittent and continuous forearm muscles fatigue protocol with motorcycle riders and control group
M Marina, P Torrado, A Busquets, JG Ríos, R Angulo-Barroso
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology 23 (1), 84-93, 2013
Reliability and validity of a custom-made instrument including a hand-held dynamometer for measuring trunk muscle strength
J Jubany, A Busquets, M Marina, F Cos, R Angulo-Barroso
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 28 (2), 317-326, 2015
Adaptation and retention of a perceptual-motor task in children: effects of a single bout of intense endurance exercise
B Ferrer-Uris, A Busquets, R Angulo-Barroso
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 40 (1), 1-9, 2018
High bar swing performance in novice adults: effects of practice and talent
A Busquets, M Marina, A Irurtia, D Ranz, RM Angulo-Barroso
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 82 (1), 9-20, 2011
Gymnastics experience enhances the development of bipedal-stance multi-segmental coordination and control during proprioceptive reweighting
A Busquets, B Ferrer-Uris, R Angulo-Barroso, P Federolf
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 661312, 2021
Force–time course parameters and force fatigue model during an intermittent fatigue protocol in motorcycle race riders
M Marina, M Rios, P Torrado, A Busquets, R Angulo‐Barroso
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 25 (3), 406-416, 2015
Control de la flexibilidad en jóvenes gimnastas de competición mediante el método trigonométrico: un año de seguimiento
A Irurtia, A Busquets, M Carrasco, B Ferrer, M Marina
Apunts. Medicina de l'Esport 45 (168), 235-242, 2010
Relationship between inter-limb asymmetries and physical performance in rink hockey players
J Arboix-Alió, B Buscà, A Busquets, J Aguilera-Castells, B de Pablo, ...
Symmetry 12 (12), 2035, 2020
Strength, static balance, physical activity, and age predict maximal gait speed in healthy older adults from a rural community: A cross-sectional study
S Aranda-García, A Busquets, A Planas, JA Prat-Subirana, ...
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 23 (4), 580-587, 2015
Enhancing children’s motor memory retention through acute intense exercise: Effects of different exercise durations
R Angulo-Barroso, B Ferrer-Uris, A Busquets
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2000, 2019
Changes in motor strategies across age performing a longswing on the high bar
A Busquets, M Marina, R Angulo-Barroso
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 84 (3), 353-362, 2013
El retrato de fase como una herramienta de análisis del comportamiento motor
R Angulo-Barroso, AB Faciabén, EAE MAuERBERg-dEcASTRO
Apunts Educación Física y Deportes, 49-61, 2010
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مقالات 1–20