Ursula Wingate
Ursula Wingate
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Doing away with ‘study skills’
U Wingate
Teaching in higher education 11 (4), 457-469, 2006
‘Argument!’helping students understand what essay writing is about
U Wingate
Journal of English for academic purposes 11 (2), 145-154, 2012
A framework for transition: Supporting ‘learning to learn’in higher education
U Wingate
Higher Education Quarterly 61 (3), 391-405, 2007
The best of both worlds? Towards an English for Academic Purposes/Academic Literacies writing pedagogy
U Wingate, C Tribble
Studies in higher education 37 (4), 481-495, 2012
Academic literacy and student diversity: The case for inclusive practice
U Wingate
Multilingual Matters, 2015
Using Academic Literacies and genre-based models for academic writing instruction: A'literacy’journey
U Wingate
Journal of English for academic purposes 11 (1), 26-37, 2012
The impact of formative feedback on the development of academic writing
U Wingate
Approaches to Assessment that Enhance Learning in Higher Education, 29-43, 2014
Embedding academic writing instruction into subject teaching: A case study
U Wingate, N Andon, A Cogo
Active learning in higher education 12 (1), 69-81, 2011
Academic literacy across the curriculum: Towards a collaborative instructional approach
U Wingate
Language Teaching 51 (3), 349-364, 2018
From text to corpus–A genre-based approach to academic literacy instruction
C Tribble, U Wingate
System 41 (2), 307-321, 2013
The effectiveness of different learner dictionaries: An investigation into the use of dictionaries for reading comprehension by intermediate learners of German
U Wingate
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2016
Dictionary use—the need to teach strategies
U Wingate
Language Learning Journal 29 (1), 5-11, 2004
Developing students’ academic literacy: an online approach
U Wingate, C Dreiss
Journal of Academic language and Learning 3 (1), A14-A25, 2009
From sixth form to university: motivation and transition among high achieving state‐school language students
E Macaro*, U Wingate
Oxford Review of Education 30 (4), 467-488, 2004
Lots of games and little challenge–a snapshot of modern foreign language teaching in English secondary schools
U Wingate
The Language Learning Journal 46 (4), 442-455, 2018
Staff and students’ perceptions of English language policies and practices in international universities: a case study from the UK
J Jenkins, U Wingate
Higher Education Review 47 (2), 47-73, 2015
A comparison of ‘additional’and ‘embedded’approaches to teaching writing in the disciplines.
U Wingate
Writing in the disciplines, 65-87, 2011
Motivation, authenticity and challenge in German textbooks for key stage 3
N Andon, U Wingate
Critical perspectives on language teaching materials, 182-203, 2013
Achieving transformation through collaboration: the role of academic literacies
U Wingate
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education 15, 2019
‘Can you talk me through your argument’? Features of dialogic interaction in academic writing tutorials
U Wingate
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 38, 25-35, 2019
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مقالات 1–20