Stephan Van den Broucke
Stephan Van den Broucke
Professor of Health Psychology and Prevention, Université Catholique de Louvain
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uclouvain.be
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Health literacy and public health: A systematic review and integration of definitions and models
K Sørensen, S Van den Broucke, J Fullam, G Doyle, J Pelikan, Z Slonska, ...
BMC Public Health 12, 80, 2012
Health literacy in Europe: comparative results of the European health literacy survey (HLS-EU)
K Sørensen, JM Pelikan, F Röthlin, K Ganahl, Z Slonska, G Doyle, ...
The European journal of public health 25 (6), 1053-1058, 2015
Measuring health literacy in populations: illuminating the design and development process of the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q)
K Sørensen, S Van den Broucke, JM Pelikan, J Fullam, G Doyle, ...
BMC public health 13, 1-10, 2013
Does health literacy mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and health disparities? Integrative review
C Stormacq, S Van den Broucke, J Wosinski
Health promotion international 34 (5), e1-e17, 2019
Why health promotion matters to the COVID-19 pandemic, and vice versa
S Van den Broucke
Health promotion international 35 (2), 181-186, 2020
Measuring health literacy in Asia: Validation of the HLS-EU-Q47 survey tool in six Asian countries
TV Duong, A Aringazina, G Baisunova, TV Pham, KM Pham, TQ Truong, ...
Journal of epidemiology 27 (2), 80-86, 2017
Factors associated with prevalence and severity of caries experience in preschool children
D Declerck, R Leroy, L Martens, E Lesaffre, MJ Garcia‐Zattera, ...
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 36 (2), 168-178, 2007
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of nudging to increase fruit and vegetable choice
VJV Broers, C De Breucker, S Van den Broucke, O Luminet
The European Journal of Public Health 27 (5), 912-920, 2017
Health literacy and the use of healthcare services in Belgium
J Vandenbosch, S Van den Broucke, S Vancorenland, H Avalosse, ...
J Epidemiol Community Health 70 (10), 1032-1038, 2016
Measuring cognitive determinants of speeding: An application of the theory of planned behaviour
H Paris, SV Broucke
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 11 (3), 168-180, 2008
Health literacy in Taiwan: a population-based study
VT Duong, IF Lin, K Sorensen, JM Pelikan, S Van Den Broucke, YC Lin, ...
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 27 (8), 871-880, 2015
Health literacy: a critical concept for public health
S Van den Broucke
Archives of Public Health 72, 1-2, 2014
Effects of health literacy interventions on health-related outcomes in socioeconomically disadvantaged adults living in the community: a systematic review
C Stormacq, J Wosinski, E Boillat, S Van den Broucke
JBI evidence synthesis 18 (7), 1389-1469, 2020
Measuring determinants of occupational health related behavior in Flemish farmers: an application of the theory of planned behavior
A Colémont, S Van den Broucke
Journal of safety research 39 (1), 55-64, 2008
IUHPE Position Statement on Health Literacy: a practical vision for a health literate world
J Bröder, P Chang, I Kickbusch, D Levin-Zamir, E McElhinney, D Nutbeam, ...
International Union for Health Promotion and Education, IUHPE Global Working …, 2018
When knowing is not enough: Emotional distress and depression reduce the positive effects of health literacy on diabetes self-management
L Schinckus, F Dangoisse, S Van den Broucke, M Mikolajczak
Patient education and counseling 101 (2), 324-330, 2018
Validity and measurement invariance across sex, age, and education level of the French short versions of the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire
A Rouquette, T Nadot, P Labitrie, S Van den Broucke, J Mancini, L Rigal, ...
PloS one 13 (12), e0208091, 2018
Implementing the Health Promoting University approach in culturally different contexts: a systematic review
M Suárez-Reyes, S Van den Broucke
Global health promotion 23 (1_suppl), 46-56, 2016
(HLS-EU) Consortium Health Literacy Project European.(2012). Health literacy and public health: A systematic review and integration of definitions and models
K Sørensen, S Van den Broucke, J Fullam, G Doyle, J Pelikan, Z Slonska, ...
BMC public health 12 (1), 80, 0
Measuring health literacy in Europe: introducing the European health literacy survey questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q)
JM Pelikan, K Ganahl, S Van den Broucke, K Sørensen
International handbook of health literacy, 115-138, 2019
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مقالات 1–20