Daniel E. Azofeifa
Daniel E. Azofeifa
Profesor de Física, Universidad de Costa Rica
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ucr.ac.cr
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Optical properties of chitin and chitosan biopolymers with application to structural color analysis
DE Azofeifa, HJ Arguedas, WE Vargas
Optical materials 35 (2), 175-183, 2012
Retrieved optical properties of thin films on absorbing substrates from transmittance measurements by application of a spectral projected gradient method
WE Vargas, DE Azofeifa, N Clark
Thin Solid Films 425 (1-2), 1-8, 2003
Optical and electrical properties of hydrided palladium thin films studied by an inversion approach from transmittance measurements
WE Vargas, I Rojas, DE Azofeifa, N Clark
Thin Solid Films 496 (2), 189-196, 2006
Visible light reflection spectra from cuticle layered materials
C Campos-Fernández, DE Azofeifa, M Hernández-Jiménez, A Ruiz-Ruiz, ...
Optical Materials Express 1 (1), 85-100, 2011
Theory of hydrogen absorption in metal hydrides
T Tanaka, M Keita, DE Azofeifa
Physical Review B 24 (4), 1771, 1981
Light reflection by the cuticle of C. aurigans scarabs: a biological broadband reflector of left handed circularly polarized light
E Libby, DE Azofeifa, M Hernández-Jiménez, C Barboza-Aguilar, A Solís, ...
Journal of Optics 16 (8), 082001, 2014
Qualitative correlation between structural chirality through the cuticle of Chrysina aurigans scarabs and left-handed circular polarization of the reflected light
M Hernández-Jiménez, DE Azofeifa, E Libby, C Barboza-Aguilar, Á Solís, ...
Optical Materials Express 4 (12), 2632-2645, 2014
Determination of hydrogen absorption in Pd coated Al thin films
DE Azofeifa, N Clark, A Amador, A Saenz
Thin Solid Films 300 (1-2), 295-298, 1997
A quantitative assessment approach of feasible optical mechanisms contributing to structural color of golden-like Chrysina aurigans scarab beetles
DE Azofeifa, M Hernández-Jiménez, E Libby, A Solís, C Barboza-Aguilar, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 160, 63-74, 2015
Optical and electrical changes of hydrogenated Dy films
DE Azofeifa, N Clark
Journal of alloys and compounds 305 (1-2), 32-34, 2000
Photonic Crystal Characterization of the Cuticles of Chrysina chrysargyrea and Chrysina optima Jewel Scarab Beetles
WE Vargas, E Avendano, M Hernández-Jiménez, DE Azofeifa, E Libby, ...
Biomimetics 3 (4), 30, 2018
Optical and electrical properties of terbium films as a function of hydrogen concentration
D Azofeifa, N Clark, W Vargas
physica status solidi (b) 242 (10), 2005-2009, 2005
Light reflection by cuticles of Chrysina jewel scarabs: optical measurements, morphology characterization, and theoretical modeling
WE Vargas, M Hernández-Jiménez, E Libby, DE Azofeifa, C Barboza, ...
Optics and photonics Journal 6 (07), 146, 2016
Broadening of effective photonic band gaps in biological chiral structures: From intrinsic narrow band gaps to broad band reflection spectra
WE Vargas, M Hernández-Jiménez, E Libby, DE Azofeifa, Á Solis, ...
Europhysics Letters 111 (6), 64001, 2015
Refractive indices of chitin, chitosan, and uric acid with application to structural color analysis
WE Vargas, DE Azofeifa, HJ Arguedas
Opt. Pura Apl. 46 (1), 55-72, 2013
Collective response of silver islands on a dielectric substrate when normally illuminated with electromagnetic radiation
WE Vargas, DE Azofeifa, N Clark, X Márquez
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (2), 025309, 2008
Parametric formulation of the dielectric function of palladium and palladium hydride thin films
WE Vargas, DE Azofeifa, N Clark, H Solis, F Montealegre, M Cambronero
Applied Optics 53 (24), 5294-5306, 2014
Índices de refracción de la quitina, el quitosano y el ácido úrico con aplicación en análisis de color estructural
WE Vargas, DE Azofeifa, HJ Arguedas
Óptica Pura y Aplicada 46, 55-72, 2013
Hall coefficient and resistivity of hydrogenated Pd in thin films
DE Azofeifa, N Clark
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 163 (2), 621-626, 1989
Hydrogen induced changes in the optical properties of Pd capped V thin films
DE Azofeifa, N Clark, WE Vargas, H Solís, GK Pálsson, B Hjörvarsson
Journal of alloys and compounds 580, S114-S118, 2013
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مقالات 1–20