Ananta Man Singh Pradhan
Ananta Man Singh Pradhan
SDiv. Eng. Geologist, Water Resources Research and Developement Centre, Government of Nepal
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Relative effect method of landslide susceptibility zonation in weathered granite soil: a case study in Deokjeok-ri Creek, South Korea
AMS Pradhan, YT Kim
Natural hazards 72, 1189-1217, 2014
Evaluation of a combined spatial multi-criteria evaluation model and deterministic model for landslide susceptibility mapping
AMS Pradhan, YT Kim
Catena 140 (2016), 125-139, 2016
A shallow slide prediction model combining rainfall threshold warnings and shallow slide susceptibility in Busan, Korea
AMS Pradhan, SR Lee, YT Kim
Landslides 16, 647-659, 2019
Spatial data analysis and application of evidential belief functions to shallow landslide susceptibility mapping at Mt. Umyeon, Seoul, Korea
MSP Ananta, YT Kim
Bulletin of Engineering geology and Environment, 2016
Application and comparison of shallow landslide susceptibility models in weathered granite soil under extreme rainfall events
AMS Pradhan, YT Kim
Environmental Earth Sciences, 1-11, 2014
A new approach to temporal modelling for landslide hazard assessment using an extreme rainfall induced-landslide index
NN Vasu, SR Lee, AMS Pradhan, YT Kim, SH Kang, DH Lee
Engineering Geology 215, 36-49, 2016
Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslide Susceptibility Mapping at Two Adjacent Catchments Using Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms
AMS Pradhan, YT Kim
ISPR International Journal of Geo-Information 9 (10), 569, 2020
Application of deep neural network to capture groundwater potential zone in mountainous terrain, Nepal Himalaya
AMS Pradhan, YT Kim, S Shrestha, TC Huynh, BP Nguyen
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020
Deep learning-based autonomous damage-sensitive feature extraction for impedance-based prestress monitoring
TT Nguyen, TTV Phan, DD Ho, AMS Pradhan, TC Huynh
Engineering Structures 259, 114172, 2022
The relationship between geology and rock weathering on the rock instability along Mugling–Narayanghat road corridor, Central Nepal Himalaya
AD Regmi, K Yoshida, H Nagata, AMS Pradhan, B Pradhan, ...
Natural Hazards 66, 501-532, 2013
An ensemble landslide hazard model incorporating rainfall threshold for Mt. Umyeon, South Korea
AMS Pradhan, HS Kang, JS Lee, YT Kim
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 78, 131-146, 2019
Spatial model integration for shallow landslide susceptibility and its runout using a GIS-based approach in Yongin, Korea
AMS Pradhan, HS Kang, S Lee, YT Kim
Geocarto International, 2016
Use of different bivariate statistical landslide susceptibility methods: a case study of Kulekhani watershed, Nepal
ADYTK Ananta Man Singh Pradhan
Journal of Nepal Geological Society 44 (Geo-disaster), 1-12, 2012
Mapping the susceptibility of rainfall and earthquake triggered landslides along China-Nepal highways
KR Gnyawali, Y Zhang, G Wang, AMS Pradhan, BR Adhikari, L Xiao
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019
Development and Application of Urban Landslide Vulnerability Assessment Methodology Reflecting Social and Economic Variables
SK Yoonkyung Park, Ananta Man Singh Pradhan, Ungtae Kim, Yun Tae Kim
Advances in Meteorology, 2016
Understanding impedance response characteristics of a piezoelectric‐based smart interface subjected to functional degradations
BP Nguyen, QH Tran, TT Nguyen, AMS Pradhan, TC Huynh
Complexity 2021 (1), 5728679, 2021
Large-strain consolidation analysis of PVD-installed soft soil considering the discharge capacity variation according to depth and time Discharge capacity variation
BP Nguyen, AMS Pradhan, TH Nguyen, NP Doan, VQ Nguyen, TC Huynh
Engineering Computations, 2020
Comparative performance of regionalization methods for model parameterization in ungauged Himalayan watersheds
N Karki, NM Shakya, VP Pandey, LP Devkota, AMS Pradhan, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 47, 101359, 2023
Semi-quantitative method to identify the vulnerable areas in terms of building aggregation for probable landslide runout at the regional scale: a case study from Soacha …
AMSP Pradhan, JM Lee, YT Kim
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 78, 5745–5762, 2019
GIS-based landslide susceptibility model considering effective contributing area for drainage time
AMS Pradhan, YT Kim
Geocarto International 33 (8), 810-829, 2018
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مقالات 1–20