Marina A. C. Danes
Marina A. C. Danes
Department of Animal Sciences, University of Lavras, Brazil
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effect of protein supplementation on milk production and metabolism of dairy cows grazing tropical grass
MAC Danes, LJ Chagas, AM Pedroso, FAP Santos
Journal of Dairy Science 96 (1), 407-419, 2013
Effects of replacing soybean meal with canola meal or treated canola meal on ruminal digestion, omasal nutrient flow, and performance in lactating dairy cows
EM Paula, GA Broderick, MAC Danes, NE Lobos, GI Zanton, AP Faciola
Journal of dairy science 101 (1), 328-339, 2018
Total mixed ration silage containing elephant grass for small‐scale dairy farms
JO Gusmão, MAC Danés, DR Casagrande, TF Bernardes
Grass and Forage Science 73 (3), 717-726, 2018
Essential amino acid ratios and mTOR affect lipogenic gene networks and miRNA expression in bovine mammary epithelial cells
S Li, A Hosseini, M Danes, C Jacometo, J Liu, JJ Loor
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 7, 1-11, 2016
Post-ruminal supplies of glucose and casein, but not acetate, stimulate milk protein synthesis in dairy cows through differential effects on mammary metabolism
MAC Danes, MD Hanigan, SIA Apelo, JDL Dias, MA Wattiaux, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 103 (7), 6218-6232, 2020
Nitrogen use efficiencies to grow, feed, and recycle manure from the major diet components fed to dairy cows in the USA
JM Powell, T Barros, M Danes, M Aguerre, M Wattiaux, K Reed
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 239, 274-282, 2017
Urinary purine derivatives as a tool to estimate dry matter intake in cattle: a meta-analysis
JRR Dórea, MAC Danés, GI Zanton, LE Armentano
Journal of dairy science 100 (11), 8977-8994, 2017
Effect of protein level and methionine supplementation on dairy cows during the transition period
FF Cardoso, SS Donkin, MN Pereira, RAN Pereira, AP Peconick, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 104 (5), 5467-5478, 2021
Relative partitioning of N from alfalfa silage, corn silage, corn grain and soybean meal into milk, urine, and feces, using stable 15N isotope
T Barros, JM Powell, MAC Danes, MJ Aguerre, MA Wattiaux
Animal Feed Science and Technology 229, 91-96, 2017
Disentangling data dependency using cross-validation strategies to evaluate prediction quality of cattle grazing activities using machine learning algorithms and wearable …
LA Coelho Ribeiro, T Bresolin, GJM Rosa, D Rume Casagrande, ...
Journal of animal science 99 (9), skab206, 2021
Replacement of raw soybean with roasted soybean increased milk production in Holstein cows
GS Dias, VA Silveira, IJ Ascari, RAN Pereira, MAC Danés, MN Pereira
Ciência Rural 47 (5), e20160002, 2017
Cinética de degradação ruminal de silagem de capim-elefante com diferentes níveis de jaca e raspa de mandioca
JRR Dórea, JS Oliveira, EM Santos, A de Moura Zanine, TC da Silva, ...
Semina: Ciências Agrárias 34 (5), 2437-2446, 2013
Manejo alimentar de vacas em lactação em pasto
FAP Santos, MAC Danés, FL Macedo, LJ Chagas
Simpósio Sobre Bovinocultura Leiteira 9, 119-158, 2011
Effects of replacing soybean meal with canola meal or treated canola meal on performance of lactating dairy cows
EM Paula, MAC Danes, NE Lobos, GI Zanton, GA Broderick, AP Faciola
Journal of dairy science 98 (2), 387, 2015
Twenty-five-centimeter pre-grazing canopy height in palisade grass and forage peanut
IM Ferreira, BGC Homem, IBG Lima, JCB Dubeux Junior, TF Bernardes, ...
Scientia Agricola 79, e20200090, 2021
Protein supplementation to early lactation dairy cows grazing tropical grass: Performance and ruminal metabolism
L Jado Chagas, C Delveaux Araujo Batalha, ...
Animal Science Journal 92 (1), e13564, 2021
Effects of amount and profile of amino acids supply on lactation performance, mammary gland metabolism, and nitrogen efficiency in Holstein dairy cows
MAC Danes, EM Paula, C Parys, GM Souza, JPA Rezende, GA Broderick, ...
Animals 13 (11), 1866, 2023
Effects of replacing soybean meal with canola meal or treated canola meal on nitrogen metabolism and total tract digestibility in lactating dairy cows
EM de Paula, MAC Danes, NE Lobos, GI Zanton, GA Broderick, A Faciola
Journal of Animal Science 94, 770-770, 2016
Relationship between mammary gland metabolism and nitrogen efficiency in the lactating dairy cow
MAC Danes
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015
Effects of replacing soybean meal with canola meal or treated canola meal on ruminal digestion, and omasal nutrient flow in lactating dairy cows
EM de Paula, MAC Danes, NE Lobos, FL Drago, GI Zanton, GA Broderick, ...
Journal of Animal Science 94, 680-680, 2016
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مقالات 1–20