Stefan Löfgren
Stefan Löfgren
Research manager and associate professor at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Browning of freshwaters: Consequences to ecosystem services, underlying drivers, and potential mitigation measures
ES Kritzberg, EM Hasselquist, M Škerlep, S Löfgren, O Olsson, ...
Ambio 49, 375-390, 2020
Early stage litter decomposition across biomes
I Djukic, S Kepfer-Rojas, IK Schmidt, KS Larsen, C Beier, B Berg, ...
Science of the total environment 628, 1369-1394, 2018
The chemical effects of deicing salt on soil and stream water of five catchments in southeast Sweden
S Löfgren
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 130 (1), 863-868, 2001
Metals in Scandinavian surface waters: effects of acidification, liming, and potential reacidification
E Lydersen, S Löfgren, RT Arnesen
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 32 (2-3), 73-295, 2002
Realizing the energy potential of forest biomass in Sweden–How much is environmentally sustainable?
J De Jong, C Akselsson, G Egnell, S Löfgren, BA Olsson
Forest ecology and management 383, 3-16, 2017
Phosphorus in interstitial water: methods and dynamics
M Enell, S Löfgren
Hydrobiologia 170 (1), 103-132, 1988
Multiple sources and sinks of dissolved inorganic carbon across Swedish streams, refocusing the lens of stable C isotopes
A Campeau, MB Wallin, R Giesler, S Löfgren, CM Mörth, S Schiff, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 9158, 2017
Short-term effects of clear-cutting on the water chemistry of two boreal streams in northern Sweden: A paired catchment study
S Löfgren, E Ring, C von Brömssen, R Sørensen, L Högbom
Ambio, 347-356, 2009
Increasing concentrations of iron in surface waters as a consequence of reducing conditions in the catchment area
SM Ekström, O Regnell, HE Reader, PA Nilsson, S Löfgren, ES Kritzberg
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121 (2), 479-493, 2016
The influence of environmental, biotic and spatial factors on diatom metacommunity structure in Swedish headwater streams
E Göthe, DG Angeler, S Gottschalk, S Löfgren, L Sandin
PloS one 8 (8), e72237, 2013
Long-term changes (1990–2015) in the atmospheric deposition and runoff water chemistry of sulphate, inorganic nitrogen and acidity for forested catchments in Europe in relation …
J Vuorenmaa, A Augustaitis, B Beudert, W Bochenek, N Clarke, HA de Wit, ...
Science of the Total Environment 625, 1129-1145, 2018
Long-term trends in water chemistry of acid-sensitive Swedish lakes show slow recovery from historic acidification
MN Futter, S Valinia, S Löfgren, SJ Köhler, J Fölster
Ambio 43, 77-90, 2014
Organic carbon budget for the Gulf of Bothnia
G Algesten, L Brydsten, P Jonsson, P Kortelainen, S Löfgren, L Rahm, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 63 (3-4), 155-161, 2006
Interstitial water concentrations of phosphorus, iron and manganese in a shallow, eutrophic swedish lake--Implications for phosphorus cycling
S Löfgren, B Boström
Water research 23 (9), 1115-1125, 1989
Metabolism of human cytochrome P450 marker substrates in mouse: a strain and gender comparison
S Löfgren, AL Hagbjörk, S Ekman, R Fransson-Steen, Y Terelius
Xenobiotica 34 (9), 811-834, 2004
Recovery of soil water, groundwater, and streamwater from acidification at the Swedish integrated monitoring catchments
S Löfgren, M Aastrup, L Bringmark, H Hultberg, L Lewin-Pihlblad, ...
Ambio 40, 836-856, 2011
Agricultural development and nutrient flows in the Baltic States and Sweden after 1988
S Löfgren, A Gustafson, S Steineck, P Stählnacke
Ambio 28 (4), 320-327, 1999
Carbon dioxide and methane emissions of Swedish low‐order streams—a national estimate and lessons learnt from more than a decade of observations
MB Wallin, A Campeau, J Audet, D Bastviken, K Bishop, J Kokic, ...
Limnology and Oceanography Letters 3 (3), 156-167, 2018
Acidifying effect of removal of tree stumps and logging residues as compared to atmospheric deposition
J Iwald, S Löfgren, J Stendahl, E Karltun
Forest Ecology and Management 290, 49-58, 2013
Representative regional sampling of carbon dioxide and methane concentrations in hemiboreal headwater streams reveal underestimates in less systematic approaches
MB Wallin, S Löfgren, M Erlandsson, K Bishop
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 28 (4), 465-479, 2014
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مقالات 1–20