Jon M. Husson
Jon M. Husson
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Are basal Ediacaran (635 Ma) post-glacial “cap dolostones” diachronous?
PF Hoffman, GP Halverson, EW Domack, JM Husson, JA Higgins, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258 (1-2), 114-131, 2007
Volcanic–plutonic parity and the differentiation of the continental crust
CB Keller, B Schoene, M Barboni, KM Samperton, JM Husson
Nature 523 (7560), 301-307, 2015
An emerging picture of Neoproterozoic ocean chemistry: Insights from the Chuar Group, Grand Canyon, USA
DT Johnston, SW Poulton, C Dehler, S Porter, J Husson, DE Canfield, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 290 (1-2), 64-73, 2010
Dominant eukaryotic export production during ocean anoxic events reflects the importance of recycled NH4+
MB Higgins, RS Robinson, JM Husson, SJ Carter, A Pearson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (7), 2269-2274, 2012
Neoproterozoic glacial origin of the Great Unconformity
CB Keller, JM Husson, RN Mitchell, WF Bottke, TM Gernon, P Boehnke, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (4), 1136-1145, 2019
Macrostrat: a platform for geological data integration and deep‐time earth crust research
SE Peters, JM Husson, J Czaplewski
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (4), 1393-1409, 2018
The rise and fall of stromatolites in shallow marine environments
SE Peters, JM Husson, J Wilcots
Geology 45 (6), 487-490, 2017
Ca and Mg isotope constraints on the origin of Earth’s deepest δ13C excursion
JM Husson, JA Higgins, AC Maloof, B Schoene
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 160, 243-266, 2015
Atmospheric oxygenation driven by unsteady growth of the continental sedimentary reservoir
JM Husson, SE Peters
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 460, 68-75, 2017
Sediment cycling on continental and oceanic crust
SE Peters, JM Husson
Geology 45 (4), 323-326, 2017
Stratigraphic expression of Earth’s deepest 13C excursion in the Wonoka Formation of South Australia
JM Husson, AC Maloof, B Schoene, CY Chen, JA Higgins
American Journal of Science 315 (1), 1-45, 2015
Global and local drivers of the Ediacaran Shuram carbon isotope excursion
JF Busch, EB Hodgin, ASC Ahm, JM Husson, FA Macdonald, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 579, 117368, 2022
Constraints on the origin and relative timing of the Trezona δ13C anomaly below the end-Cryogenian glaciation
CV Rose, NL Swanson-Hysell, JM Husson, LN Poppick, JM Cottle, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 319, 241-250, 2012
A syn‐depositional age for Earth’s deepest δ13C excursion required by isotope conglomerate tests
JM Husson, AC Maloof, B Schoene
Terra Nova 24 (4), 318-325, 2012
Nature of the sedimentary rock record and its implications for Earth system evolution
JM Husson, SE Peters
Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 2 (2), 125-136, 2018
Large isotopic variability at the micron-scale in ‘Shuram’excursion carbonates from South Australia
JM Husson, BJ Linzmeier, K Kitajima, A Ishida, AC Maloof, B Schoene, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 538, 116211, 2020
The sedimentary geochemistry and paleoenvironments project
ÚC Farrell, R Samawi, S Anjanappa, R Klykov, OO Adeboye, H Agic, ...
Geobiology 19 (6), 545-556, 2021
Chemostratigraphic and U-Pb geochronologic constraints on carbon cycling across the Silurian-Devonian boundary
JM Husson, B Schoene, SE Bluher, AC Maloof
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 436, 108-120, 2016
Macrostratigraphy: insights into cyclic and secular evolution of the Earth-life system
SE Peters, DP Quinn, JM Husson, RR Gaines
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 50 (1), 419-449, 2022
Local and Global Controls on Carbon Isotope Chemostratigraphy
AS Ahm, J Husson
Elements in Geochemical Tracers in Earth System Science, 2022
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مقالات 1–20