Lindsay Naylor, PhD
Lindsay Naylor, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Delaware
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Interventions: Bringing the decolonial to political geography
L Naylor, M Daigle, MM Ramírez, S Zaragocin, M Gilmartin
Political Geography 66, 199-209, 2018
Pluralizing energy justice: Incorporating feminist, anti-racist, Indigenous, and postcolonial perspectives
BK Sovacool, SE Bell, C Daggett, C Labuski, M Lennon, L Naylor, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 97, 102996, 2023
Reframing autonomy in political geography: A feminist geopolitics of autonomous resistance
L Naylor
Political Geography 58, 24-35, 2017
“Some are more fair than others”: fair trade certification, development, and North–South subjects
L Naylor
Agriculture and Human Values 31 (2), 273-284, 2014
Hired gardens and the question of transgression: lawns, food gardens and the business of ‘alternative’food practice
L Naylor
cultural geographies 19 (4), 483-504, 2012
An Analysis of Consumer Motivations for Purchasing Fair Trade Coffee
CMNLN Jean C. Darian, Louis Tucci
Journal of International Consumer Marketing 27 (4), 318-327, 2015
Fair trade coffee exchanges and community economies
L Naylor
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 50 (5), 1027-1046, 2018
Facilitating (?) urban agriculture in Philadelphia: sustainability narratives in the inequitable city
H Stanko, L Naylor
Local Environment 23 (4), 468-484, 2018
Fair Trade Rebels: Coffee Production and Struggles for Autonomy in Chiapas
L Naylor
U of Minnesota Press, 2019
Auditing the subjects of fair trade: Coffee, development, and surveillance in highland Chiapas
L Naylor
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 35 (5), 816-835, 2017
Troubling care in the neonatal intensive care unit
L Naylor, A Clarke-Sather, M Weber
Geoforum 114, 107-116, 2020
Between paranoia and possibility: diverse economies and the decolonial imperative
L Naylor, N Thayer
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 47 (3), 791-805, 2022
Saltwater intrusion and sea level rise threatens US rural coastal landscapes and communities
KL O’Donnell, ES Bernhardt, X Yang, RE Emanuel, M Ardón, MT Lerdau, ...
Anthropocene 45, 100427, 2024
Factors impacting breastfeeding and milk expression in the neonatal intensive care unit
A Naylor, Lindsay and Clarke-Sather
International Journal of Caring Sciences 13 (2), 970-981, 2020
Solidarity as a development performance and practice in coffee exchanges
L Naylor
Sustainability Science 17 (4), 1195-1205, 2022
Decolonial Autonomies: Fair Trade, Subsistence and the Everyday Practice of Food Sovereignty in the Highlands of Chiapas
L Naylor
University of Oregon, 2014
Food sovereignty in place: Cuba and Spain
L Naylor
Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4), 705-717, 2019
The body as a site of care: food and lactating bodies in the US
L Naylor
Gender, Place & Culture 29 (3), 440-449, 2022
Geographic Education in the Anthropocene: Cultivating Citizens at the Neoliberal University
L Naylor, D Veron
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 111 (3), 958-969, 2021
A place for gmos in food sovereignty?
L Naylor
Geographical Review 107 (4), 572-577, 2017
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مقالات 1–20