Robert J Fisher
Robert J Fisher
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Social desirability bias and the validity of indirect questioning
RJ Fisher
Journal of Consumer Research, 303-315, 1993
Normative influences on impulsive buying behavior
DW Rook, RJ Fisher
Journal of Consumer Research, 305-313, 1995
Collaborative communication in interfirm relationships: Moderating effects of integration and control
JJ Mohr, RJ Fisher, JR Nevin
Journal of Marketing, 103-115, 1996
Customer betrayal and retaliation: when your best customers become your worst enemies
Y Grégoire, RJ Fisher
Journal of the Academy of Marketing science 36, 247-261, 2008
Factors leading to group identification: A field study of winners and losers
RJ Fisher, K Wakefield
Psychology & Marketing 15 (1), 23-40, 1998
Social desirability bias and the validity of self‐reported values
RJ Fisher, JE Katz
Psychology & marketing 17 (2), 105-120, 2000
The effects of relationship quality on customer retaliation
Y Grégoire, RJ Fisher
Marketing Letters 17, 31-46, 2006
Enhancing communication between marketing and engineering: The moderating role of relative functional identification
RJ Fisher, E Maltz, BJ Jaworski
Journal of Marketing, 54-70, 1997
Internet marketing
R Mohammed, RJ Fisher, BJ Jaworski, GJ Paddison
Auflage, New York, 2004
The effects of recognition and group need on volunteerism: A social norm perspective
RJ Fisher, D Ackerman
Journal of consumer research 25 (3), 262-275, 1998
An investigation into the social context of early adoption behavior
RJ Fisher, LL Price
Journal of Consumer Research, 477-486, 1992
An empathy-helping perspective on consumers' responses to fund-raising appeals
RJ Fisher, M Vandenbosch, KD Antia
Journal of consumer research 35 (3), 519-531, 2008
Gender differences in responses to emotional advertising: A social desirability perspective
RJ Fisher, L Dubé
Journal of Consumer Research 31 (4), 850-858, 2005
International pleasure travel motivations and post-vacation cultural attitude change
RJ Fisher, LL Price
Journal of leisure research 23 (3), 193-208, 1991
How does enforcement deter gray market incidence?
KD Antia, ME Bergen, S Dutta, RJ Fisher
Journal of Marketing 70 (1), 92-106, 2006
Removing social desirability bias with indirect questioning: Is the cure worse than the disease?
RJ Fisher, GJ Tellis
Advances in consumer research 25 (1), 1998
Group-Derived Consumption: The Role of Similarity and Attractiveness in Identification with a Favorite Sports Team.
RJ Fisher
Advances in consumer research 25 (1), 1998
The price of being beautiful: Negative effects of attractiveness on empathy for children in need
RJ Fisher, Y Ma
Journal of Consumer Research 41 (2), 436-450, 2014
Sources of durable competitive advantage in new products
MW Lawless, RJ Fisher
Journal of Product Innovation Management 7 (1), 35-44, 1990
Durable differentiation strategies for services
RJ Fisher
Journal of Services Marketing 5 (1), 19-28, 1991
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مقالات 1–20