Suraya Scheba
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Day zero and the infrastructures of climate change: Water governance, inequality, and infrastructural politics in Cape Town's water crisis
N Millington, S Scheba
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 45 (1), 116-132, 2021
Towards a multi-scalar reading of informality in Delft, South Africa: Weaving the ‘everyday’with wider structural tracings
LR Cirolia, S Scheba
Urban Studies 56 (3), 594-611, 2019
REDD+ as ‘inclusive’neoliberal conservation: The case of Lindi, Tanzania
A Scheba, S Scheba
Journal of Eastern African Studies 11 (3), 526-548, 2017
Strengthening community-based adaptation for urban transformation: managing flood risk in informal settlements in Cape Town
A Fox, G Ziervogel, S Scheba
Local Environment 28 (7), 837-851, 2023
Crisis temporalities: Intersections between infrastructure and inequality in the Cape Town Water Crisis
S Scheba, N Millington
International Journal of Urban & Regional Research, 2018
Daily practices of informality amidst urban poverty
P Harrison, E Pieterse, S Scheba, M Rubin
Nelson Mandela Initiative Report. African Centre for Cities/University of …, 2018
Retrofitting, repurposing and re-placing: A multi-media exploration of occupation in Cape Town, South Africa
LR Cirolia, N Ngwenya, B Christianson, S Scheba
Planext, 2021
Desalination as emergency fix: tracing the drought–desalination assemblage in South Africa
S Scheba, A Scheba
Tapping the Oceans, 98-120, 2018
Occupations as reparative urban infrastructure: thinking with Cissie Gool House
S Scheba, N Millington
City 27 (5-6), 715-739, 2023
Viewpoint–The South African Water Sector: Municipal Dysfunction, Resistance and Future Pathways
S Scheba
Water Alternatives 15 (3), 632-649, 2022
Pathways toward a dialectical urbanism: Thinking with the contingencies of crisis, care and capitalism
S Scheba
Global Urbanism, 176-182, 2021
New packaging, same deal: City of Cape Town’s new proposal to replace water management devices with the drip system will further water apartheid
S Scheba, F Meyer, K Benson, M Karunananthan, V Farr, L Green
Blue Planet Project, 2021
Overcoming water scarcity for good?: Querying the adoption of desalination technology in the Knysna Local Municipality of South Africa
S Scheba
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2015
Co-producing just geographies: Resourcing, bridging, and critical crossings in engaged scholarship
S Scheba, A Scheba
Dialogues in Human Geography 14 (2), 238-242, 2024
Visualising urban commoning: Geographies of precarity, defiance and hope
JP Lages, SM Saaristo, D Sanchez-Betancourt, A Scheba, S Scheba, ...
Cidades. Comunidades e Territórios, 2024
Housing occupations as urban commoning: three modalities of transversal engagement
S Scheba, A Scheba, D Sanchez-Betancourt, JG Diaz
Cidades. Comunidades e Territórios, 2024
Housing as commons: sites of struggle and possibility
JP Lages, SM Saaristo, D Sanchez-Betancourt, A Scheba, S Scheba
Cidades. Comunidades e Territórios, 2024
Covid-19 and the Virulence of Capitalism
S Scheba
https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-03-30-covid-19-and-the …, 2020
Lived realities of urban peripheries: building infrastructures of change
S Scheba, A Scheba
Temporalities of Crisis: On Cape Town’s Day Zero. Online Commentary for the Situated Urban Political Ecology Collective.
S Millington, N. and Scheba
http://www.situatedupe.net/temporalities-of-crisis-on-cape-towns-day-zero/, 2018
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مقالات 1–20