M. Pilar Martín
M. Pilar Martín
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Development of a framework for fire risk assessment using remote sensing and geographic information system technologies
E Chuvieco, I Aguado, M Yebra, H Nieto, J Salas, MP Martín, L Vilar, ...
Ecological Modelling 221 (1), 46-58, 2010
Assessment of different spectral indices in the red-near-infrared spectral domain for burned land discrimination
E Chuvieco, MP Martin, A Palacios
International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (23), 5103-5110, 2002
Combining NDVI and surface temperature for the estimation of live fuel moisture content in forest fire danger rating
E Chuvieco, D Cocero, D Riano, P Martin, J Martınez-Vega, J de la Riva, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 92 (3), 322-331, 2004
Mapping burned areas from Landsat TM/ETM+ data with a two-phase algorithm: Balancing omission and commission errors
A Bastarrika, E Chuvieco, MP Martín
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (4), 1003-1012, 2011
Use of a radiative transfer model to simulate the postfire spectral response to burn severity
E Chuvieco, D Riaño, FM Danson, P Martin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (2005–2012) 111 (G4), 2006
Plant functional traits and canopy structure control the relationship between photosynthetic CO2 uptake and far‐red sun‐induced fluorescence in a Mediterranean grassland under …
M Migliavacca, O Perez‐Priego, M Rossini, TS El‐Madany, G Moreno, ...
New Phytologist 214 (3), 1078-1091, 2017
Logistic regression models for human-caused wildfire risk estimation: analysing the effect of the spatial accuracy in fire occurrence data
LV Del Hoyo, MPM Isabel, FJM Vega
European Journal of Forest Research 130 (6), 983-996, 2011
Global fire mapping and fire danger estimation using AVHRR images
E Chuvieco, MP Martin
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 60 (5), 563-570, 1994
A model for predicting human-caused wildfire occurrence in the region of Madrid, Spain
L Vilar, DG Woolford, DL Martell, MP Martín
International Journal of Wildland Fire 19 (3), 325-337, 2010
Assessment of multitemporal compositing techniques of MODIS and AVHRR images for burned land mapping
E Chuvieco, G Ventura, MP Martín, I Gómez
Remote Sensing of Environment 94 (4), 450-462, 2005
Assessment of methods for land surface temperature retrieval from Landsat-5 TM images applicable to multiscale tree-grass ecosystem modeling
L Vlassova, F Perez-Cabello, H Nieto, P Martín, D Riaño, J de la Riva
Remote Sensing 6 (5), 4345-4368, 2014
Ground-based optical measurements at European flux sites: a review of methods, instruments and current controversies
M Balzarolo, K Anderson, C Nichol, M Rossini, L Vescovo, N Arriga, ...
Sensors 11 (8), 7954-7981, 2011
Human factors of fire occurrence in the Mediterranean
V Leone, R Lovreglio, MP Martín, J Martínez, L Vilar
Earth observation of wildland fires in Mediterranean ecosystems, 149-170, 2009
A simple method for Are growth mapping using AVHRR channel 3 data
E Chuvieco, MP Martin
REMOTE SENSING 15 (16), 3141-3146, 1994
Using Near-Infrared-Enabled Digital Repeat Photography to Track Structural and Physiological Phenology in Mediterranean Tree–Grass Ecosystems
Y Luo, T El-Madany, G Filippa, X Ma, B Ahrens, A Carrara, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (8), 1293, 2018
Modeling temporal changes in human-caused wildfires in Mediterranean Europe based on Land Use-Land Cover interfaces
L Vilar, A Camia, J San-Miguel-Ayanz, MP Martín
Forest Ecology and Management 378, 68-78, 2016
Multitemporal modelling of socio-economic wildfire drivers in Central Spain between the 1980s and the 2000s: comparing generalized linear models to machine learning algorithms
L Vilar, I Gómez, J Martínez-Vega, P Echavarría, D Riaño, MP Martín
PLoS one 11 (8), e0161344, 2016
Evaluation of eddy covariance latent heat fluxes with independent lysimeter and sapflow estimates in a Mediterranean savannah ecosystem
O Perez-Priego, TS El-Madany, M Migliavaca, AS Kowalski, M Jung, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 236, 87-99, 2017
Cartografía e inventario de incendios forestales en la Península Ibérica a partir de imágenes NOAA-AVHRR
MP Martín
Departamento de Geografía. Alcalá de Henares, Universidad de Alcalá, 1998
Heatwave breaks down the linearity between sun‐induced fluorescence and gross primary production
D Martini, K Sakowska, G Wohlfahrt, J Pacheco‐Labrador, C van der Tol, ...
New Phytologist, 2021
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20