Karin Öhman
Karin Öhman
Professor of Forest Planning, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The Heureka forestry decision support system: an overview
P WikstrÃ, L Edenius, LO Eriksson, LÃ Tomas, J Sonesson, Ã Karin, ...
Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences (MCFNS …, 2011
Integrating multiple criteria decision analysis in participatory forest planning: Experience from a case study in northern Sweden
EM Nordström, LO Eriksson, K Öhman
Forest policy and economics 12 (8), 562-574, 2010
The core area concept in forming contiguous areas for long-term forest planning
K Öhman, LO Eriksson
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28 (7), 1032-1039, 1998
Creating continuous areas of old forest in long-term forest planning
K Öhman
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30 (11), 1817-1823, 2000
Factors influencing the choice of management strategy among small-scale private forest owners in Sweden
J Eggers, T Lämås, T Lind, K Öhman
Forests 5 (7), 1695-1716, 2014
Allowing for spatial consideration in long-term forest planning by linking linear programming with simulated annealing
K Öhman, LO Eriksson
Forest Ecology and Management 161 (1-3), 221-230, 2002
Balancing different forest values: Evaluation of forest management scenarios in a multi-criteria decision analysis framework
J Eggers, S Holmgren, EM Nordström, T Lämås, T Lind, K Öhman
Forest Policy and Economics 103, 55-69, 2019
Ash dieback risks an extinction cascade
T Hultberg, J Sandström, A Felton, K Öhman, J Rönnberg, J Witzell, ...
Biological Conservation 244, 108516, 2020
Governing competing demands for forest resources in Sweden
C Sandström, A Lindkvist, K Öhman, EM Nordström
Forests 2 (1), 218-242, 2011
Value-based ecosystem service trade-offs in multi-objective management in European mountain forests
A Langner, F Irauschek, S Perez, M Pardos, T Zlatanov, K Öhman, ...
Ecosystem Services 26, 245-257, 2017
Cost of riparian buffer zones: A comparison of hydrologically adapted site‐specific riparian buffers with traditional fixed widths
T Tiwari, J Lundström, L Kuglerová, H Laudon, K Öhman, AM Ågren
Water Resources Research 52 (2), 1056-1069, 2016
Reducing forest fragmentation in long-term forest planning by using the shape index
K Öhman, T Lämås
Forest Ecology and Management 212 (1-3), 346-357, 2005
Clustering of harvest activities in multi-objective long-term forest planning
K Öhman, T Lämås
Forest ecology and management 176 (1-3), 161-171, 2003
Decision support for participatory forest planning using AHP and TOPSIS
H Nilsson, EM Nordström, K Öhman
Forests 7 (5), 100, 2016
Aggregation of preferences in participatory forest planning with multiple criteria: an application to the urban forest in Lycksele, Sweden
EM Nordström, C Romero, LO Eriksson, K Öhman
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39 (10), 1979-1992, 2009
Aggregating harvest activities in long term forest planning by minimizing harvest area perimeters
K Öhman, LO Eriksson
Silva Fenn 44 (1), 77-89, 2010
Conflict resolution through ecosystem-based management: the case of Swedish moose management
C Sandström, SW Di Gasper, K Öhman
International Journal of the Commons 7 (2), 2013
Scaling of increased dissolved organic carbon inputs by forest clear-cutting–What arrives downstream?
J Schelker, K Öhman, S Löfgren, H Laudon
Journal of hydrology 508, 299-306, 2014
Impacts of different forest management scenarios on forestry and reindeer husbandry
A Korosuo, P Sandström, K Öhman, LO Eriksson
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 29 (sup1), 234-251, 2014
Multiple criteria decision analysis with consideration to place-specific values in participatory forest planning
EM Nordström, O Eriksson Ljusk, K Öhman
Silva Fennica 45 (2), 2011
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مقالات 1–20