Angela Morgan
Angela Morgan
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Linking pay to performance—compensation proposals in the S&P 500
AG Morgan, AB Poulsen
Journal of financial economics 62 (3), 489-523, 2001
Assessing the market value of sponsoring: Corporate Olympic sponsorships
AD Miyazaki, AG Morgan
Journal of advertising Research 41 (1), 9-15, 2001
The determinants of positive long-term performance in strategic mergers: Corporate focus and cash
WL Megginson, A Morgan, L Nail
Journal of Banking & Finance 28 (3), 523-552, 2004
Mutual funds as monitors: Evidence from mutual fund voting
A Morgan, A Poulsen, J Wolf, T Yang
Journal of Corporate Finance 17 (4), 914-928, 2011
The evolution of shareholder voting for executive compensation schemes
A Morgan, A Poulsen, J Wolf
Journal of Corporate Finance 12 (4), 715-737, 2006
Changes in corporate focus, ownership structure, and long-run merger returns
WL Megginson, A Morgan, L Nail
Social Science Research Network, Electronic Working Paper, 2000
Is acquiring-firm shareholder approval in stock-for-stock mergers perfunctory?
TR Burch, AG Morgan, JG Wolf
Financial Management, 45-69, 2004
Approval of shareholder-sponsored proposals: Evidence from Canada
A Morgan, J Wolf
International Review of Financial Analysis 16 (2), 136-151, 2007
Analyst behavior surrounding tender offer announcements
DJ Bradley, AG Morgan, JG Wolf
Journal of Financial Research 30 (1), 1-19, 2007
Changes in corporate focus, ownership structure, and long-run merger returns
A Morgan, LA Nail, WL Megginson
Ownership Structure, and Long-Run Merger Returns (October 2000), 2000
Corporate focus and corporate acquisitions: Theory and evidence
WL Megginson, AG Morgan, LA Nail
Unpublished working paper. University of Georgia, 1997
Corporate Governance and Financial Performance: A Study of German and UK Initial Public Offerings
A Morgan
Journal of Banking & Finance 24 (5), 825-825, 2000
Show Me the Money: Do Target Shareholders Care About Anything Else?
A Morgan, J Wolf
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مقالات 1–13