SeokKoo Kang
SeokKoo Kang
Professor of Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على hanyang.ac.kr - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Experimental and computational investigation of local scour around bridge piers
A Khosronejad, S Kang, F Sotiropoulos
Advances in Water Resources 37, 73-85, 2012
Finite volume model for two-dimensional shallow water flows on unstructured grids
TH Yoon, SK Kang
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 130 (7), 678-688, 2004
On the onset of wake meandering for an axial flow turbine in a turbulent open channel flow
S Kang, X Yang, F Sotiropoulos
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 744, 376-403, 2014
Numerical simulation of 3D flow past a real-life marine hydrokinetic turbine
S Kang, I Borazjani, JA Colby, F Sotiropoulos
Advances in water resources 39, 33-43, 2012
High-resolution numerical simulation of turbulence in natural waterways
S Kang, A Lightbody, C Hill, F Sotiropoulos
Advances in Water Resources 34 (1), 98-113, 2011
Curvilinear immersed boundary method for simulating coupled flow and bed morphodynamic interactions due to sediment transport phenomena
A Khosronejad, S Kang, I Borazjani, F Sotiropoulos
Advances in water resources 34 (7), 829-843, 2011
Computational study and modeling of turbine spacing effects in infinite aligned wind farms
X Yang, S Kang, F Sotiropoulos
Physics of Fluids 24 (11), 2012
Level set immersed boundary method for coupled simulation of air/water interaction with complex floating structures
A Calderer, S Kang, F Sotiropoulos
Journal of Computational Physics 277, 201-227, 2014
Flow phenomena and mechanisms in a field‐scale experimental meandering channel with a pool‐riffle sequence: Insights gained via numerical simulation
S Kang, F Sotiropoulos
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 116 (F3), 2011
Numerical modeling of 3D turbulent free surface flow in natural waterways
S Kang, F Sotiropoulos
Advances in water resources 40, 23-36, 2012
Computational and experimental investigation of scour past laboratory models of stream restoration rock structures
A Khosronejad, C Hill, S Kang, F Sotiropoulos
Advances in water resources 54, 191-207, 2013
Experimental investigation of three‐dimensional flow structure and turbulent flow mechanisms around a nonsubmerged spur dike with a low length‐to‐depth ratio
J Jeon, JY Lee, S Kang
Water Resources Research 54 (5), 3530-3556, 2018
Fluid dynamics simulations show that facial masks can suppress the spread of COVID-19 in indoor environments
A Khosronejad, C Santoni, K Flora, Z Zhang, S Kang, S Payabvash, ...
Aip Advances 10 (12), 2020
Achieving enhanced nitrification in communities of nitrifying bacteria in full-scale wastewater treatment plants via optimal temperature and pH
KH Cho, JO Kim, S Kang, H Park, S Kim, YM Kim
Separation and Purification Technology 132, 697-703, 2014
Assessing the predictive capabilities of isotropic, eddy viscosity Reynolds‐averaged turbulence models in a natural‐like meandering channel
S Kang, F Sotiropoulos
Water Resources Research 48 (6), 2012
Effect of inlet turbulent boundary conditions on scour predictions of coupled LES and morphodynamics in a field-scale river: Bankfull flow conditions
A Khosronejad, K Flora, S Kang
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 146 (4), 04020020, 2020
On the structure of vortex rings from inclined nozzles
TB Le, I Borazjani, S Kang, F Sotiropoulos
Journal of fluid mechanics 686, 451-483, 2011
A computational study of expiratory particle transport and vortex dynamics during breathing with and without face masks
A Khosronejad, S Kang, F Wermelinger, P Koumoutsakos, F Sotiropoulos
Physics of Fluids 33 (6), 2021
Water exit dynamics of jumping archer fish: Integrating two-phase flow large-eddy simulation with experimental measurements
A Khosronejad, L Mendelson, AH Techet, S Kang, D Angelidis, ...
Physics of Fluids 32 (1), 2020
Virtual flow simulator
A Calderer, X Yang, D Angelidis, A Khosronejad, T Le, S Kang, ...
Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (United States), 2015
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مقالات 1–20