Hanne B. Søndergaard Knudsen
Hanne B. Søndergaard Knudsen
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ikp.aau.dk
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The contribution of cognitive flexibility to children's reading comprehension–the case for Danish
HB Søndergaard Knudsen, K Jensen de López, LMD Archibald
Journal of Research in Reading 41, S130-S148, 2018
Multilingual classrooms—danish teachers’ practices, beliefs and attitudes
HBS Knudsen, PS Donau, C L. Mifsud, TC Papadopoulos, JE Dockrell
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 65 (5), 767-782, 2021
Teaching and learning in a multilingual Europe: findings from a cross-European study
JE Dockrell, TC Papadopoulos, CL Mifsud, L Bourke, O Vilageliu, E Bešić, ...
European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1-28, 2021
What is measured in bereavement treatment for children and adolescents? A systematic literature review
KJ de López, H Søndergaard Knudsen, TGB Hansen
Illness, Crisis & Loss 28 (4), 363-387, 2020
Allocation and funding of Speech and Language Therapy for children with Developmental Language Disorders across Europe and beyond
HBS Knudsen, N Jalali-Moghadam, S Nieva, E Czaplewska, M Laasonen, ...
Research in Developmental Disabilities 121, 104139, 2022
Pilotstudie af gruppeterapi for børn og teenagere, der har mistet en forælder
TP Pedersen, MS Tølbøll, GK Berthelsen, HBS Knudsen, KMJ De Lopez
Psyke & Logos 40 (1), 147-164, 2019
The relationship between direct or indirect therapy and language profiles in children with developmental language disorder (DLD) across European countries
N Jalali-Moghadam, HB Søndergaard Knudsen, E Czaplewska, S Nieva, ...
European Journal of Special Needs Education 39 (5), 820-835, 2024
Correction: Teaching and learning in a multilingual Europe: Findings from a cross-European study.
JE Dockrell, TC Papadopoulos, CL Mifsud, L Bourke, O Vilageliu, E Bešić, ...
Springer, 2023
Finder vi de sprogligt udsatte børn?: En kortlægning og kritisk analyse af det nationale sprogscreeningsprogram i Danmark
L Kjærbæk, HBS Knudsen, KJ de López, L Holm
Nydanske Sprogstudier (NyS), 136-181, 2023
Self-compassion and satisfaction with life in Danish adolescents with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD):We are all in the same boat´
KJ de López, KB Rosenberg, TGB Hansen, HBS Knudsen
Research in Developmental Disabilities 134, 104400, 2023
24 forskere i opråb: Rapport om sprogscreening bygger på misforståelser
L Kjærbæk, A Ahrenkiel, LK Andersen, T Cadierno, MC Clausen, ...
Face-to-face workin g memory training does not enhance children’s reading comprehension - a pilot study with Danish children1
HB Søndergaard Knudsen, KM Jensen de López
Nordic Psychology 73 (3), 211-225, 2021
Spirende voksne med risiko for at udvikle komplicerede sorgreaktioner: Et feasibility-studie
HBS Knudsen, TP Pedersen, P Engelbrekt, KJ de López
Psyke & Logos 40 (1), 165-182, 2019
Børns læseforståelse forbedres ikke ved arbejdshukommelsestræning: en systematisk forskningsoversigt
HBS Knudsen, KJ de López
Psyke & Logos 39 (2), 82-96, 2018
Pædagoger skal bruge tiden på at udvikle børns sprog–ikke på at lave sprogscreeninger.
L Kjærbæk, S Broström, HBS Knudsen, KJ de Lopez, L Holm, ...
Information, 2023
Kort og godt om sprogforstyrrelsen DLD
KMJ de López, HBS Knudsen
Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, 2023
Do we find the language impaired children? A mapping and critical analysis of the national language screening program in Denmark
L Kjærbæk, HBS Knudsen, KMJ de López, L Holm
NyS, Nydanske Sprogstudier, 209-209, 2023
Retraction notice to “Allocation and funding of speech and language therapy for children with developmental language disorders across Europe and beyond”[RIDD 113 (2021) 103936].
HBS Knudsen, N Jalali-Moghadam, S Nieva, E Czaplewska, M Laasonen, ...
Elsevier Science, 2022
Kort og Godt om Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
KMJ de López, HBS Knudsen
Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, 2022
Learning to see through the glasses of a psychologist and feel comfortable-enculturation of professionalism through problem-based learning at Aalborg University's Children's Clinic
KMJ De Lopez, HBS Knudsen
Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 2021
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20