Christopher T. Dawes
Christopher T. Dawes
Associate Professor of Politics, New York University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Egalitarian motives in humans
CT Dawes, JH Fowler, T Johnson, R McElreath, O Smirnov
nature 446 (7137), 794-796, 2007
Genetic variation in preferences for giving and risk taking
D Cesarini, CT Dawes, M Johannesson, P Lichtenstein, B Wallace
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 124 (2), 809-842, 2009
Genetic variation in political participation
JH Fowler, LA Baker, CT Dawes
American Political Science Review 102 (02), 233-248, 2008
Heritability of cooperative behavior in the trust game
D Cesarini, CT Dawes, JH Fowler, M Johannesson, P Lichtenstein, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences 105 (10), 3721-3726, 2008
Two genes predict voter turnout
JH Fowler, CT Dawes
The Journal of Politics 70 (3), 579-594, 2008
The genetic architecture of economic and political preferences
DJ Benjamin, D Cesarini, MJHM Van Der Loos, CT Dawes, PD Koellinger, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (21), 8026-8031, 2012
Model of genetic variation in human social networks
JH Fowler, CT Dawes, NA Christakis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (6), 1720-1724, 2009
Red brain, blue brain: Evaluative processes differ in Democrats and Republicans
D Schreiber, G Fonzo, AN Simmons, CT Dawes, T Flagan, JH Fowler, ...
PLoS one 8 (2), e52970, 2013
Friendships moderate an association between a dopamine gene variant and political ideology
JE Settle, CT Dawes, NA Christakis, JH Fowler
The Journal of Politics 72 (4), 1189-1198, 2010
The heritability of partisan attachment
JE Settle, CT Dawes, JH Fowler
Political Research Quarterly 62 (3), 601-613, 2009
Born to lead? A twin design and genetic association study of leadership role occupancy
JE De Neve, S Mikhaylov, CT Dawes, NA Christakis, JH Fowler
The leadership quarterly 24 (1), 45-60, 2013
Genetic influences on political ideologies: Twin analyses of 19 measures of political ideologies from five democracies and genome-wide findings from three populations
PK Hatemi, SE Medland, R Klemmensen, S Oskarsson, L Littvay, ...
Behavior genetics 44, 282-294, 2014
Partisanship, voting, and the dopamine D2 receptor gene
CT Dawes, JH Fowler
The Journal of Politics 71 (3), 1157-1171, 2009
Heritability and the equal environments assumption: evidence from multiple samples of misclassified twins
D Conley, E Rauscher, C Dawes, PKE Magnusson, ML Siegal
Behavior genetics 43, 415-426, 2013
Neural basis of egalitarian behavior
CT Dawes, PJ Loewen, D Schreiber, AN Simmons, T Flagan, R McElreath, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (17), 6479-6483, 2012
Is the effect of parental education on offspring biased or moderated by genotype?
D Conley, BW Domingue, D Cesarini, C Dawes, CA Rietveld, ...
Sociological science 2, 82-105, 2015
Linking genes and political orientations: Testing the cognitive ability as mediator hypothesis
S Oskarsson, D Cesarini, CT Dawes, JH Fowler, M Johannesson, ...
Political Psychology 36 (6), 649-665, 2015
The relationship between genes, psychological traits, and political participation
C Dawes, D Cesarini, JH Fowler, M Johannesson, PKE Magnusson, ...
American Journal of Political Science 58 (4), 888-903, 2014
No association between oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene polymorphisms and experimentally elicited social preferences
CL Apicella, D Cesarini, M Johannesson, CT Dawes, P Lichtenstein, ...
PloS one 5 (6), e11153, 2010
Replicability and robustness of genome-wide-association studies for behavioral traits
CA Rietveld, D Conley, N Eriksson, T Esko, SE Medland, AAE Vinkhuyzen, ...
Psychological science 25 (11), 1975-1986, 2014
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مقالات 1–20